Need Quick Advice

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need quick advice Jun 25, 2007
Hi... new here... hope I'm doing this right! I'm a high school science teacher from Canada and I'm wondering if my hope of coming to the UAE soon is realistic. I've started looking at jobs on the net and have seen a few that look pretty good. My intention would be to find a job for this September for a year or two and I would want to make good money. I am a hard worker but don't want to end up being a slave. I've only just started looking into this and don't have much time. I don't know what the visa requirements are. Is my idea of being there teaching in September reasonable or possible? Any advice (esp from teachers there) is appreciated.

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Re: need quick advice Jun 25, 2007
Karolyne wrote:Hi... new here... hope I'm doing this right! I'm a high school science teacher from Canada and I'm wondering if my hope of coming to the UAE soon is realistic. I've started looking at jobs on the net and have seen a few that look pretty good. My intention would be to find a job for this September for a year or two and I would want to make good money. I am a hard worker but don't want to end up being a slave. I've only just started looking into this and don't have much time. I don't know what the visa requirements are. Is my idea of being there teaching in September reasonable or possible? Any advice (esp from teachers there) is appreciated.

There is a thread just below this one regarding the same topic. It appears that with the salary for teachers here and the housing, teaching is not an occupation where you would make "goo money" in 2 years - compared to Canada anyway.

Take a look at the other thread here. The visa stuff is done thru your employer. Many people come on visit visa and find employment (but you must find employement before the visa expires or will have to leave the country and get a new visa by rentering - if you hold a Canadian passport).

I think there are a few teachers on the forum (or at least used to be) and they might be able to best guide you.

Good luck.
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Jun 25, 2007
yo teacher dude u can come and work here but bout tht money making thing high school teachers get paid around 1500 dhs to 3500 [400 to 950 usd] dhs max in a well paying school per month and u would betta stay in canada for ur own good but if u really do wanna come here then pm me i have a good job offer for you
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Jun 25, 2007
hi there, i think the last posting of 1500 - 3500 is on the low side.
granted the salaries are low, but not that low.

this depends on a number of factors:

the school where you hope to teach - some can afford much higher staff salaries, your experience

most schools will pay teachers on the position they hold within the staff facalty (senior, junior, department head) - this is sometimes dependant on the experience and qualification that you hold

and of course duration of service with the school

i'd say realistic average is 3,500 - 5,600/ 6000 - normally with accomodation added to this (but also don't expect a huge allowance)
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Jun 25, 2007
Im moving out in the summer as i have a teaching job for september. I dont think the packages are as bad as people are making out and what a good career opportunity.
Go for it !
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Jun 25, 2007
funkyorang wrote:Im moving out in the summer as i have a teaching job for september. I dont think the packages are as bad as people are making out and what a good career opportunity.
Go for it !

If you could shed some light on the package, it might help others as well
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Jun 25, 2007
westside wrote:high school teachers get paid around 1500 dhs to 3500 [400 to 950 usd] dhs max in a well paying school per month

As dxbsoul says, that's low. A range of 1000-15,000 dhs is more accurate, top schools may pay a bit more. Western international english speaking schools are 5k-15k. Indian/Arabic schools are 1k-5k mostly. More information about teaching in Dubai.
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Jun 25, 2007
bonk wrote:
westside wrote:high school teachers get paid around 1500 dhs to 3500 [400 to 950 usd] dhs max in a well paying school per month

As dxbsoul says, that's low. A range of 1000-15,000 dhs is more accurate, top schools may pay a bit more. Western international english speaking schools are 5k-15k. Indian/Arabic schools are 1k-5k mostly. More information about teaching in Dubai.

Totally accurate info. Go with what bonk wrote.
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thanks Jul 04, 2007
Thanks for all the replies, everybody, and for the informative links. I've fired off a few applications, so we'll see.......
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Re: need quick advice Jul 04, 2007
Karolyne wrote:Is my idea of being there teaching in September reasonable or possible?

Likely. Schools start end of Aug and there will probably be a few teachers who don't turn up, leaving schools desperate for a teacher.

You might not get much feedback between now and mid-August - summer holidays. So follow up about then and be ready to move in a hurry.
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