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Jun 12, 2006
yes he does. I've done the online research and checked out their site so yes I was more interested in knowing what sort of reputation they have for employees.

I am coming to Dubai this coming weekend for my interview. Hopefully it goes well. although I have no idea what to wear to an inteview in the UAE. Obviously no short skirts :-)

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Jun 12, 2006
Kiwileigh wrote:I am coming to Dubai this coming weekend for my interview. Hopefully it goes well. although I have no idea what to wear to an inteview in the UAE. Obviously no short skirts :-)

No, but a below knee skirt would probably be fine. If you want to be safe and conservative, go ankle length. Wear normal interview clothes.

It's not Saudi here.

It's not NZ either so walk shorts with socks and roman sandals in the office will look odd. Especially on females.
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Jun 12, 2006
sharewadi wrote:
It's not NZ either so walk shorts with socks and roman sandals in the office will look odd. Especially on females.

ouch thats a bit harsh ...we only wear those kind of things clubbing!! not to work!! :lol: :lol: anyone would think we were a 3rd world country here in NZ ... hey we have electricity!!! most of the time anyway :lol: :lol:
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Jun 12, 2006
ajb wrote:ouch thats a bit harsh ...we only wear those kind of things clubbing!!

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Jun 13, 2006
and i was going to wear my bright pink socks with my sandles but to top off the look!
I was going to wear trousers .. i assume thats appropriate for a female
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Jun 13, 2006
Kiwileigh wrote:and i was going to wear my bright pink socks with my sandles but to top off the look!

:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Kiwileigh wrote:I was going to wear trousers .. i assume thats appropriate for a female

Appropriate yes. But a skirt wouldn't be inappropriate if you're worried about that (and if you're concerned about cultural sensitivity, a long skirt is probably more appropriate than trousers but really, don't get too hung up on that unless you're applying for a government job). Depends what sort of job and impression you want to give. And who's interviewing you.

Trousers will probably come across as very business-like. In a skirt you might be able to up the charm factor a bit. I don't mean to paint a picture of dirty old men drooling over their interview notes but if you're female you may as well use it to your advantage. French, Syrian, Jordanian women especially seem to have it sussed. Lebanese too sometimes.

Bring a choice of outfits, wander around Media City, Internet City and a shopping center when you get here and you'll see what I mean.

From other topic ...

You could consider buying something here. Lots of clothes shops around - Mall of the Emirates and Ibn Battuta Mall have a good range. Bur Jaman Center and Wafi Center for more expensive/exclusive shops.

You'll be steaming if you wear normal NZ winter clothes, even in the AC.
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Jun 13, 2006
ajb wrote: anyone would think we were a 3rd world country here in NZ ... hey we have electricity!!! most of the time anyway :lol: :lol:

Hah hah! I just read about the blackout in Auckland yesterday. Was your post a coincidence then :)?
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Jun 13, 2006
sharewadi wrote:
ajb wrote: anyone would think we were a 3rd world country here in NZ ... hey we have electricity!!! most of the time anyway :lol: :lol:

Hah hah! I just read about the blackout in Auckland yesterday. Was your post a coincidence then :)?

haha no definitely not a coincidence! Luckily the power cut came after I had made my morning coffee .... the next 6 hours of trying to work without a computer were a little difficult tho! On a good note my desk is about as tidy as Ive ever seen it :D
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Jun 14, 2006
I wish I had enough time to shop. I get in at 6am in the morning and my day of interviews start at 9am so I am going to have to find something here...... I'm sure it will all work out in the end
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Jun 14, 2006
Kiwileigh wrote:I get in at 6am in the morning and my day of interviews start at 9am

Uh oh :shock: ! I hope you're going business class at least. If you've done a 25 hr flight before in economy class, you'll know why I say that. I know it's probably too late but I'd really suggest you try and get the flight the day before so you don't arrive at your interview looking like you've just flown halfway around the world :shock: ?

Good luck anyway :).
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Jun 14, 2006
^^^ what Shar said... I've done a long haul from Sg>Dubai>Amsterdam>Houston (basically 2 days of nothing but airports and airplanes), got in at 9am, had a 45 minute drive out to the Woodlands area and was in a meeting at 12pm. Needless to say its not a walk in the park.
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Jun 15, 2006
i know its certainly going to be a big trip. Unfortunately i dont think I can get my flights changed now ... will have to get some sleeping tablets so I can sleep on the way there.... then i have a whole day of interviews and tours!
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Jun 15, 2006

I'm no interview expert but I would think that you should consider both the interview/interviewers and the job itself. By that I mean, that if you will be working in the "convention/meeting" group then a "business suit" would be the appropriate attire, if you will be working in the "restaurant" group (office or at the restaurant) then it would require another type of attire (perhaps); if the job if for the bar/pool, etc, (then a business suit regardless of the level of management may not be as appropriate). To me a "business suit" is always appropriate (unless and only if the "suit" will not suit with whom you will be working on a daily basis - may seem to serious or "above" those you will be supervising). Needless to say a "business suit" may mean different things to different people. I mean jacket and tie for men and blouse/skirt (dress) for women. Another thing to consider is that if your "tours" include outdoors you have to remember that the temperature will be around 40 degrees.

Good luck.
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Jun 15, 2006
Kiwileigh wrote: then i have a whole day of interviews and tours!

I don't know how sleeping pills affect things but jetlag/timezone changes will mean you could expect to fall asleep between 1500 and 1800 Dubai time. Even with adrenalin, excitement, strong coffee.

If you're scheduled for an evening meal with the interviewers, you'll find it very hard work to stay awake.

There's caffeine tablets you can get (NoDoz or something) which you could consider but I've not seen them here - which is curious and might indicate they're banned. You'd need to confirm that from a more reputable source than a forum post.
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Jun 15, 2006
good call on the nodoz ... i'll ask. i dont really have a choice this is what they booked for me so I am sure they will understand the jetlag
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Jun 15, 2006
There's caffeine tablets you can get (NoDoz or something) which you could consider but I've not seen them here - which is curious and might indicate they're banned. You'd need to confirm that from a more reputable source than a forum post.

well unless nodoz is mixed with something else, i doubt it would be banned, else every coffee drinker in the country would be in jail - also bear in mind that arabic coffee is one of the most potent coffees of all!
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Jun 15, 2006
dbxsoul wrote:well unless nodoz is mixed with something else, i doubt it would be banned,

I agree, it's just when I asked at a pharmacy once, it sounded like there was some sort of restriction. Long time ago so I don't remember exactly.
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Jun 15, 2006
i've tried doing a web search to find the manufacturer as they normally have a specification sheet detailing all the active ingrediants....

but sadly i can't find it... any ideas?
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Jun 15, 2006
caffine although a stimulent is not banned in the UAE.
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Jun 15, 2006
arniegang wrote:caffine although a stimulent is not banned in the UAE.

also a stimulant...far from being banned... :P ...but seriously...i wouldnt risk bringing any prescription drugs here...land at the airport...drink 5 cups of coffee...or take a sleeping pill while you are flying and sleep through it...
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Jun 15, 2006
Viagra is not a stimulent Cons. Thats why it is not banned in UAE. All forms of stimlent are illegal with the exception of Caffine.
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Jun 15, 2006
arniegang wrote:Viagra is not a stimulent Cons. Thats why it is not banned in UAE. All forms of stimlent are illegal with the exception of Caffine.

i was just joking...i know its not... :lol: :wink:
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Jun 15, 2006
ya scamper :lol:

how many boxes have you got then ??

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Jun 15, 2006
arniegang wrote:ya scamper :lol:

how many boxes have you got then ??

:lol: :lol: :lol:

i see blue skies...clouds of green...lol...what me...never tried it... :lol:
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Jun 15, 2006
constantine wrote:i wouldnt risk bringing any prescription drugs here...

Nodoz isn't a prescription drug. That advice could be misleading anyway. Some prescription drugs are fine to bring here eg antibiotics. Some OTC non-prescription drugs (in other countries) carry a potential jail-sentence here eg codeine.
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Jun 15, 2006
sharewadi wrote:
constantine wrote:i wouldnt risk bringing any prescription drugs here...

Nodoz isn't a prescription drug. That advice could be misleading anyway. Some prescription drugs are fine to bring here eg antibiotics. Some OTC non-prescription drugs (in other countries) carry a potential jail-sentence here eg codeine.

fair enough...let me correct my point by saying dont bring anything other than panadol...
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Jun 15, 2006
constantine wrote:fair enough...let me correct my point by saying dont bring anything other than panadol...

Should be safe :) ...
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Jun 15, 2006
can i bring in cocaine ? :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Jun 21, 2006
Is there anywhere that they list on a website or anything the restricted drugs? Could be a shame to leave the good stuff behind!
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Jun 21, 2006
ajb wrote:Is there anywhere that they list on a website or anything the restricted drugs?

MOH site has an approved drugs list (don't know how up to date it is).

I'm guessing PHC is Pharmacy and H is Hospital - but there's nothing I see that distinguishes prescription from non-prescription drugs.
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