Maybe Moving To Dubai From Uk

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maybe moving to dubai from uk Mar 20, 2005
Hi all just wondering what social life is like for mummy and child, my fiance, 18month daughter and i may be moving to dubai from uk, Abigail and i go to mother and toddler groups frequently. Does Dubai have groups like that as we will be new there and partner working all the time i need to know Abigail and i will not be stuck in house all day with nothing to do. Will we also be able to walk to shops etc freely. Please help as i dont want to end up bored housewife as only 30. Anyone with any info please help.



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Mar 20, 2005
HI there

I haven't been here too long either and I'm not a mom. But I'm a journo and have had to do lots of interviews with social clubs and things here etc. I think depending on your interests you'll find loads to do here as a partner of someone who's working all the time. there are all sorts of things like Adventure moms, Dubai quillters, Gardening Club, MOsaic workshop etc, scrapbooking network. I think your best bet would be to join a club that takes your fancy and you'll meet people who can help you. There are taxis tthat you can take to get everywhere until you get a car or whatever.

hope that helps!
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Mar 20, 2005
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Mar 20, 2005
well it looked pretty artistic when we were over there! these women do some pretty intricate things....
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Things to do in Dubai when your'e dead! Mar 25, 2005
mmmm fair amount of things to do, don't fall into the old "colonial" trap.
plenty do when they arrive here.

most people go home in summer - 3 month school holidays (July, August and Sept.) the place is like a ghost town, and not pretty pleasant outside!

It does get up to 50 deg. celcius, no matter what the "official" statistics are!

word of warning, the law of the land dictates that if you are un-married and "living in sin" you can be prossicuted and end up in jail. Now, this hardly ever happens, as the law turns a blind eye to it because of the large number of expats in the area. However if you happened to piss your neighbour off for some reason and he were to know about the situation he could report you to the police, and after an offical complaint they would have to take action .....

Aslo as you are un-married your fiance cannot sponsor you or your daughter, in otherwords you could not get a residency stamp in your passport and you would have to leave the country every 3 months and re-enter on a visit visa. ..... unless you were to get a job yourself, in which case your employer would sponsor you.....

all these little technical details they never tell you about !!!!

If you have any questions drop me a mail!

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