Looks Like I'm Moving There....

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Looks like I'm moving there.... May 29, 2007
My husband is already there working on an enormous International project in Dubai (I gather there arent too many projects there that are not like this!).

I have A BILLION QUESTIONS and I need your help.

I currently work full time at home, and am looking after 2 kids with special needs (both have Asperger's Syndrome, and both are gifted), so I need to know just about all there is to know in terms of schools that will satisfy their needs; recommendations on where to live (I believe that this is going to be subsidised, as is the school fees) and whatever else I need to know!

We are coming across in Sept/Oct (Australian school hols) to get a 'feel' for the place, and will be making firm decisions about moving at that point, but I would like the kids to see out the school year here, and we'd move across in the days after Christmas, ready to start in January 6th.

I've heard the school day is short: 8am til 1pm. I did want to try and work myself (I work in a bank as a Recruiter), but with a short school day that doesn't look like it would work? I suppose if push came to shove, I don't have to work - but I'd like to utilise the opportunity for myself, and I'm happiest at work, even though I love my kids.

Any information anyone has would be gratefully received!

What do I need to know? Anything you can advise/help me with would be great.

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Jun 23, 2007
There are over 30 primary schools in Dubai that carry the 'British' stream.
Fees are generally between AED30-60k per year at primary level.
A big warning as due to the boom in Dubai, most schools are full with waiting lists AND most have a priority for British Passport holders.
While most of the larger schools have departments devoted to special needs, you would have to discuss your childrens specific requirements with the individual school.
Dubai is a large geographic area. The school that you can put your children will be largely influenced by where you live. With the school situation in Dubai at the moment, it may be better for you to look at schools first, before you commit to living in an area far way from your childrens schooling.
Incidentally, the typical school day in dubai at primary is 7.30am - 2.15pm, with secondary finishing an hour later. However, some new schools opening are looking at adopting a more typical 8.30-4.30 day.

Feel free to contact me for more info, I am glad to help.
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Jun 23, 2007
admog wrote:Dubai is a large geographic area. The school that you can put your children will be largely influenced by where you live. With the school situation in Dubai at the moment, it may be better for you to look at schools first, before you commit to living in an area far way from your childrens schooling.

Huh? I used the school bus.
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Jun 23, 2007
admog wrote:While most of the larger schools have departments devoted to special needs,

I remember someone a couple of years back really struggling to find a spot for her special needs child in a mainstream school, and I've seen and heard other comments that indicate the opposite of that statement. Here's a list of schools in Dubai that includes some special needs institutes.
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