XRW-147 wrote:Dude,
I would forget about living in Abu Dhabi and trying to commute to JA everyday - not fun.
You can try finding a place in the Greens/Marina/Meadows/etc/etc to share with someone (2bedroom apt) or if you're lucky you can get a few people together and go into a villa. Takes about 10-15mins to get to JA from these areas. The only problem I see is that you're only going to be in for the short term, so finding someone to accept that level of commitment is a hassle - considering most these places want a year's rent upfront.
Well X I know people who are staying in Sharjah and Dubai that moved to Abu Dhabi to avoid horrible traffic jams !!
Mo, if I were in ur shoes I would look for a place near Jabel Ali as X and sharewadi suggested. If u didn't find a place there, u can stay between Dubai and Abu Dhabi in an Area called "Sayeeh Shaib" not sure about the spelling, but it will be closer than Abu Dhabi to Dubai and far away from traffic on ur way to work and back!!
Good Luck