Just A Few Questions

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Just a few questions Aug 23, 2005
I'm seriously considering moving to Dubai with my girlfriend to live if we can both get residency permits.

So I have a few questions.

I read that the Dubai government has just allowed "private ownership" of properties by expatriates. Giving them a residency permit if they buy a property.

If we buy a property with both my name and my girlfriends name on the title will we both get residency permits or is it just one permit per property?

I trade futures contracts for a living for my private account, so I won't need to find employment. All my income will come from offshore investments.

I heard through a friend of a friend that even if you have a residency permit you are still expected to find employment at some stage, is this true?

Are there taxes on income from foreign investments, capital gains, income tax or withholding tax?

Thanks in advance



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Re: Just a few questions Aug 23, 2005
MarkG wrote:If we buy a property with both my name and my girlfriends name on the title will we both get residency permits or is it just one permit per property?

I am not sure about this one, but i think its one permit per property but the holder of this permit can sponser his family. now the fact that you and your girlfriend will own the property jointly and your not married is something you will need some lawyer advice on. Especially that its not cultural norm here to be together when not married.

I heard through a friend of a friend that even if you have a residency permit you are still expected to find employment at some stage, is this true?

No your not, if you own property then your sponsor is the developer and you dont need to find a job.

Are there taxes on income from foreign investments, capital gains, income tax or withholding tax?

Nope nothing at all. The only thing they are *thinking* of introducing is a VAT and that wont come for while.
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Aug 24, 2005
Hi MaaD,

Thanks for the reply.

Can anyone recommned a good lawyer in Dubai who I can fire a few questions at?

Where would be a good area to purchase an apartment?

Is there certain areas the expates tend to reside or are you spread through out Dubai?

Are there any areas to avoid?


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lawyers at the bottom of the gulf Aug 26, 2005
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Buying property Aug 29, 2005
Hi there,

There are quite a few areas where expats seem to congregate, some to name a few, The Greens, Jumeriah, Meadows, Lakes, Springs, Dubai Marina, some of these developments are purely villas and others have apartment complexes, I am originally from the UK now in the real estate industry in Dubai, drop me a line at grdodd46@hotmail.com if you need any further help or advice.
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