Feb 12, 2006
Well for a kick off, if you have something as good as a marketing diploma, why on earth do you want to work in a bank or a shop? The qualification you have is not relevent to the jobs you're applying for, that's your first problem. You need to think along the lines of the qualifications you actually have, but the problem in the areas you'd look at is they're hot on people having experience, which I know is a catch 22, to get the job you need experience, but how can you get experience when you can't get a job? Been there, done that, it's very hard.
You need to look at positions relevent to your studies, media marketing, hotels, hospitality, ad agencies etc etc.
Don't go for jobs the jobs you have been applying for, the employer will take one look at your cv and diploma, think not relevent and bin it. It has nothing to do with you being a national or not, with so many companies going for emiratisation there are plenty of opportunities, but you have to be prepared to work hard and find something relevent.