Irish Cost Of Living VS. Dubai

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Irish cost of living VS. Dubai Jul 14, 2007
Hi everybody!

Just some quick questions to see if there are any people from Ireland out there. I'm currently contemplating entering negotiatons with my employer to move to Dubai for (at least) several years. I've had a look on some jobsites and I've noticed that the salaries seem to be significantly lower than I've come to expect in the Dublin area. I myself am a computer analyst with 10+ years of experience. Some of the jobs I've seen advertised are mentioning (significantly) less than 100K AED per annum. Would this be considered to be a reasonable wage locally?

Currently the plan would be to keep our house here and buy something there. Is this a reasonable expectation? My wife is a fully accredited counsellor with 4+ years of experience. While the idea of Dubai sounds absolutely fantastic I'm not quite so sure it'd still be interesting if we're going to end up in a situation where we mightn't be able to afford to ever move back? :?

I haven't started negotations with my employer just yet but it'd be nice to get some information and be able to go in with at least an idea of what I can reasonably expect.

Current expectations would be a salary in excess of 250K AED at the very least(for myself that is). Is this reasonable or would you be able to get by on less? :?: And when I say get by I do mean live comfortably.

Any feedback much appreciated of course.

On another note, I've read several posts on people bringing over dogs but does anybody have any experience on bringing over large dogs (labs are considered chew toys around my house), logically I think I shouldn't even consider it but I genuinely don't know if I would be able to leave "my baby" no matter what the offer.

Thanks very much all. Hope to hear back and possibly "see y'all around"

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Re: Irish cost of living VS. Dubai Jul 15, 2007
EirDutchy wrote:Hi everybody!

Just some quick questions to see if there are any people from Ireland out there. I'm currently contemplating entering negotiatons with my employer to move to Dubai for (at least) several years. I've had a look on some jobsites and I've noticed that the salaries seem to be significantly lower than I've come to expect in the Dublin area. I myself am a computer analyst with 10+ years of experience. Some of the jobs I've seen advertised are mentioning (significantly) less than 100K AED per annum. Would this be considered to be a reasonable wage locally?

Currently the plan would be to keep our house here and buy something there. Is this a reasonable expectation? My wife is a fully accredited counsellor with 4+ years of experience. While the idea of Dubai sounds absolutely fantastic I'm not quite so sure it'd still be interesting if we're going to end up in a situation where we mightn't be able to afford to ever move back? :?

I haven't started negotations with my employer just yet but it'd be nice to get some information and be able to go in with at least an idea of what I can reasonably expect.

Current expectations would be a salary in excess of 250K AED at the very least(for myself that is). Is this reasonable or would you be able to get by on less? :?: And when I say get by I do mean live comfortably.

Any feedback much appreciated of course.

On another note, I've read several posts on people bringing over dogs but does anybody have any experience on bringing over large dogs (labs are considered chew toys around my house), logically I think I shouldn't even consider it but I genuinely don't know if I would be able to leave "my baby" no matter what the offer.

Thanks very much all. Hope to hear back and possibly "see y'all around"

Hi EirDutchy,

No one responded to you as of yet, so i just reply with some minor comments not answering all of you questions of cause.

I just moved over here. I've been living in Ireland for 3.5 years, followed up by 2 years working in the UK. So, that's 5.5 years back in time. What I have experienced than was a bloody expensieve Ireland. The UK has been a bit more relaxed, but I also earned a bit more over there. I have been offered a salary in Dubai which was less "gross" income than the UK, but after "no" tax in Dubai, more nett in my pocket here.

So far I can't really see the benefit of either, but time will tell. I would say that the first year will cost you more with relocation in mind anyway. Maybe the second year will really show the value ?

It's really a choice of life-style, and not money IMO. If you are able to safe money in Ireland easily, stay there and do it. If you are after more sunshine and a better, more sophisticated and exciting life-style, come here and do it.

If you're alone, an easy choice to make. With family in pack, it can get very expensive here as well.

As of our dog, it's a big one as you said. So, you would need a villa with a garden at least. That could cost you 130k for a 2 bedroom onwards.
I hope the income of 200k+ you stated does not include at least a housing allowance of 150k on top of it. You will need that.

I myself are shipping over 2 cats later once we got our accomodation sorted. It all costs money to do this (let alone the tempory storage back home), also, bare in mind that you might need to do the same "vice versa". Shipping the dog back home once you are finished here in Dubai. If you have a company paying this for you, great, if have to pay this yourself. Plus it might take some "though" re-entry permissions, rules and procedures as well.

To bring your salary expectations to a "very vague" point. I make more than 300k per year excluding housing allowance and are still in doubt how this works out. I'll do it, but it will be interesting to see how it goes.

Hope this helps a bit, although only just some thoughts. I don't have the full Dubai experience (cost wise) as of yet.
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Re: Irish cost of living VS. Dubai Jul 16, 2007
Habibi wrote:
EirDutchy wrote:Hi everybody!

Just some quick questions to see if there are any people from Ireland out there. I'm currently contemplating entering negotiatons with my employer to move to Dubai for (at least) several years. I've had a look on some jobsites and I've noticed that the salaries seem to be significantly lower than I've come to expect in the Dublin area. I myself am a computer analyst with 10+ years of experience. Some of the jobs I've seen advertised are mentioning (significantly) less than 100K AED per annum. Would this be considered to be a reasonable wage locally?

Currently the plan would be to keep our house here and buy something there. Is this a reasonable expectation? My wife is a fully accredited counsellor with 4+ years of experience. While the idea of Dubai sounds absolutely fantastic I'm not quite so sure it'd still be interesting if we're going to end up in a situation where we mightn't be able to afford to ever move back? :?

I haven't started negotations with my employer just yet but it'd be nice to get some information and be able to go in with at least an idea of what I can reasonably expect.

Current expectations would be a salary in excess of 250K AED at the very least(for myself that is). Is this reasonable or would you be able to get by on less? :?: And when I say get by I do mean live comfortably.

Any feedback much appreciated of course.

On another note, I've read several posts on people bringing over dogs but does anybody have any experience on bringing over large dogs (labs are considered chew toys around my house), logically I think I shouldn't even consider it but I genuinely don't know if I would be able to leave "my baby" no matter what the offer.

Thanks very much all. Hope to hear back and possibly "see y'all around"

Hi EirDutchy,

No one responded to you as of yet, so i just reply with some minor comments not answering all of you questions of cause.

I just moved over here. I've been living in Ireland for 3.5 years, followed up by 2 years working in the UK. So, that's 5.5 years back in time. What I have experienced than was a bloody expensieve Ireland. The UK has been a bit more relaxed, but I also earned a bit more over there. I have been offered a salary in Dubai which was less "gross" income than the UK, but after "no" tax in Dubai, more nett in my pocket here.

So far I can't really see the benefit of either, but time will tell. I would say that the first year will cost you more with relocation in mind anyway. Maybe the second year will really show the value ?

It's really a choice of life-style, and not money IMO. If you are able to safe money in Ireland easily, stay there and do it. If you are after more sunshine and a better, more sophisticated and exciting life-style, come here and do it.

If you're alone, an easy choice to make. With family in pack, it can get very expensive here as well.

As of our dog, it's a big one as you said. So, you would need a villa with a garden at least. That could cost you 130k for a 2 bedroom onwards.
I hope the income of 200k+ you stated does not include at least a housing allowance of 150k on top of it. You will need that.

I myself are shipping over 2 cats later once we got our accomodation sorted. It all costs money to do this (let alone the tempory storage back home), also, bare in mind that you might need to do the same "vice versa". Shipping the dog back home once you are finished here in Dubai. If you have a company paying this for you, great, if have to pay this yourself. Plus it might take some "though" re-entry permissions, rules and procedures as well.

To bring your salary expectations to a "very vague" point. I make more than 300k per year excluding housing allowance and are still in doubt how this works out. I'll do it, but it will be interesting to see how it goes.

Hope this helps a bit, although only just some thoughts. I don't have the full Dubai experience (cost wise) as of yet.

Dude, 300k + housing is a lot of money here if you know how to cut corners. It is easier to do that here than in Ireland I'd say. I live comfortably on half of your basic.
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Jul 16, 2007
What corners do you manage to cut?

It is a big decision for people to move here, and I feel too many people are 'shot down' on DF for asking questions over European packages.

Really 300K + housing isn't that amazing, if you want to maintain the same lifestyle as London for instance.

To live in a decent villa/apartment with a decent car, having the same social life as in the Uk, travelling, maintaining pensions, investments etc - you need this to survive!
The Major
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Jul 16, 2007
The Major wrote:What corners do you manage to cut?

It is a big decision for people to move here, and I feel too many people are 'shot down' on DF for asking questions over European packages.

Really 300K + housing isn't that amazing, if you want to maintain the same lifestyle as London for instance.

To live in a decent villa/apartment with a decent car, having the same social life as in the Uk, travelling, maintaining pensions, investments etc - you need this to survive!

Do you honestly think I live in a box? :lol:

I still drive that old car because it was my first car in college, and I was saving my money to buy an apartment without a loan, which I did in under 4 years. Now that burden is gone, so I plan to buy a V8 4WD as well as Corvette/BMW. And I still live on less than half of what you make (depending on month - flexible). I probably save more money since my social life does not involve expensive bars. I'm not judging you, by the way, so don't take it the wrong way. :wink:
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Jul 17, 2007
I agree with both of you here. Guess "to cut the corner" is something we will learn during the next couple of month.

My plan in any case is not to be too far over my housing & car allowance and see how it all goes. Time will tell.

I see ppl around me spending crazy money on rents and cars. At the end, the plan is to "make & safe" money, not living a greater life style as one can afford having nothing left at the month.
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