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fayz wrote:I’ll be honest I just skimmed the last little bit and and have no experience in the fields of macro economics or marketing but okay let’s say that the prices of homes don’t get included in GDP all the companies supporting that industry do?
I.e. 1 have one friend who owns a pool installation company and another whose main business is importing outdoor furniture, both of these guys companies sales would be factored in with the GDP? Is that correct? If so I’d venture that if you look at the amount of people that work in the housing after sales supports/marketing both of homes, vacations retreats and the ‘dream of dubai’ make up a big chunk of the workforce and cash influx into Dubai. I know you both but doesn’t this in itself prove Ian’s point?
I also remember reading in a government published report that Oil is not the main source of income but rather tourism is.
Anyway I’ll have to get motivated and read this thread in detail, seems pretty interesting.
So to summerize these figures, Dubai contributes a total 47.8% to the UAE's GDP, with only 5.1% of this being oil relatated exports.
Ahhh... yeah, and where do you think the 'other' comes from? Tourism and Property. Or as I questioned earlier... is there some other mystery source of money?
Which is my point entirely... the current growth is being fuelled by these two sectors, and the current influx for these sectors is heavily biased towards Euro currencies... hence any revaluation will have an adverse effect.
arniegang wrote:
As it happens he was totally incorrect. Oil accounts for a mere 5.1% of the GDP and property sales dont count at all. He still seems to be at a loss of what other income is generated in terms of imports into the Dubai /UAE. I have posted an example within this thread re China. If i were to hazzard a guess i would imagine that Dubai Port Authority and Etistobalot and the tourist industry are well into the top ten of contributors to Dubai's GDP.
Concord wrote:The peg will remain... [21-10-07 article from GulfNews]
arniegang wrote:Concord wrote:The peg will remain... [21-10-07 article from GulfNews]
testing 123 we are talking about UAE not Saudi Arabia
Gulf 'unlikely to abandon peg'
By Babu Das Augustine, Banking Editor
Published: October 28, 2007, 23:02
Dubai: The Gulf countries including the UAE have no compelling reasons to change their exchange rate policies away from their peg to the dollar, a senior analyst with Moody's Investor Service said in Dubai yesterday.
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