Immigration Ban!

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Immigration Ban! Aug 29, 2011
Hi all,

Hope you can help me. I've returned to the UK recently for work and found out that my previous employer in Dubai has placed a case against me by banking an old security cheque that he had not agreed to cash in at all until I returned to the country. It was not for much, about 25,000aed butI'm completely shocked, he claims that he has placed a case against me in the Dubai courts. Can someone advise me here? I have been told by friends that if I return to Dubai I will be arrested as its likely there is an immigration ban put on me too. Is this the case? I feel very harshly done by for no fault of my own and not being in Dubai now I dont know what I can do from the outside?

Second question relating to this, how do immigration stop people coming in or leaving the country, do they go by your passport number as you come in to Dubai? I want to sort this and actually have 2 passports so I could use one to get into the country and resolve this matter when I'm there.

Hope someone can offer me some advice,
many thanks!!


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Re: Immigration Ban! Sep 08, 2011
Why on earth did you leave a cheque with him? You should have got it back before you left. Yes, if he has filed a case and you return you will be detained at the airport.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Immigration Ban! Sep 25, 2011
If you come in on the other passport, I assume it won't have residency and you'll get a tourist visa. I also have 2 passports and can't remember giving my existing passport details when applying for the second one.
Of course, you will have to depart UK on the same passport that you plan to enter Dubai on.
Anyway, it sounds like a plan.
Worst case is that you end up in jail but at least you have the cash to pay the debt unlike most people in there, And the police commisioner has recently said that he wants to avoid these cases going to court so hopefully they will be sypathetic.
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Re: Immigration Ban! Sep 27, 2011
benwj wrote:If you come in on the other passport, I assume it won't have residency and you'll get a tourist visa. I also have 2 passports and can't remember giving my existing passport details when applying for the second one.
Of course, you will have to depart UK on the same passport that you plan to enter Dubai on.
Anyway, it sounds like a plan.
Worst case is that you end up in jail but at least you have the cash to pay the debt unlike most people in there, And the police commisioner has recently said that he wants to avoid these cases going to court so hopefully they will be sypathetic.

i'm pretty sure that having 2 passports are illegal.
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undefined Mar 30, 2014
I am a bank defaulter & also credit card defaulter in uae. Now I am getting chance to go kuwait & work for there.
Sir, please let me know , can I enter Kuwait ? any problem for me. please advise me.
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