Dear Kath,
There are some very good samaritans and age old dubai residents on this forum. Nevertheless, if no one's giving you a reply it's simply because they have answered the same topic 100s of times in all its specifics and details.
In Dubai and the GCC given the many desperados and love struck romeos who get infatuated from the very first look, utter of word etc you will find the admiration from many a man here a tad superficial and at times psychotic. The term I have coined is "They will go HABIBI-GAGA over a woman"
This is a pretty user-friendly forum and thus using the SEARCH ENGINE with keywords such as : new, moving, female will get you appropriate hits.
Also there's a local bloke aptly called UAE kid who has posted a thingie called thread of the month that has a link in it to Dubai's do's and don'ts.
Look into that.
Lastly, this post should be in: Dubai Expat Help Forum - a sub classification under
Have questions about Dubai? Moving to Dubai or just moved recently and need help? This is the forum for you.
If you are a british girl in your late 20s to early 30s with an exact demographic match to a moderator here called chocoholic she
may lend her hand out for friendship.

This statement is based on some distressed missy from ol' blighty who possibly had a similar demographic match to her and was highly depressed with dubai. Just like any place the propensity to like or hate this emirate is based on ones own personal cues.