Aug 25, 2006
hi there glad to help,
i used to write for some of their publications, but have not done so in a while due to time constraints. i used to deal mostly with E/home, but also on occasion with the events side of things. they have two addresses if memory serves me correctly, the one in media city is the free zone portion of it, but the printing is done in "dubai" out of the free zone as they don't have a print shop in the FZ, also anything produced in the FZ would be subject to a 5% tax on entry into dubai. the fz portion is their admin, staff writers and lay up sections.... again i may be a bit rusty on this and it may have changed.
the free zone systems (there are a number of them around dubai) are basically that, a company can establish its self in the zone without the need of a local (uae national) sponsor, which is a requirement for other companies operating in dubai. all imports into dubai are subject to a 5% import tax, with the exception of goods coming into a FZ, only once they pass out of the gates and into dubai are they taxed. many companies set up in the free zones so that they can double invoice for taxation purposes.
the main difference (for an employee) working in a FZ is that they are not subject tot he same labour constraints as those working in dubai, in other words they can pretty much hand in their notice and go to work for another company in the FZ without any kind of labour ban being imposed on them (in dubai there is a mandatory 6 month ban, subject to a few conditions). if possible try and get a contract that is written with you as an employee of the FZ, this will give you a little more latitude if you decided to move.
If there is anything else I can help you with let me know
- dbxsoul
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- Location: Dubai