The RTA has stated the following:
100 Dhs for chewing gum
200 dhs for carrying weapons
300 dhs for falling asleep
I think the priorities are little skewed there somewhat.
the message board for Dubai English speaking community
BlackburnRovers wrote:so is there a fine for sleeping inside the Metro? I thought there were fines for sleeping on the platform, but i do notice many people dozing off when seated...
spellcheckergirl wrote:Out of order!
So if I fall asleep with a rocket launcher or bazooka on my shoulder that's five hundred AED down the drain?
andy888 wrote:actually, if you have faith, even if you have sleep, you are still awake,
Dillon wrote:Well, I think it makes complete sense! let’s face it, the ethnic groups this regulation is aimed at is capable of falling asleep on a washing line,
BlackburnRovers wrote:Dillon wrote:Well, I think it makes complete sense! let’s face it, the ethnic groups this regulation is aimed at is capable of falling asleep on a washing line,
How many laborers have you seen sleeping on the Metro, for that matter how many laborers do you actually see on a Metro?
BlackburnRovers wrote:How many laborers have you seen sleeping on the Metro, for that matter how many laborers do you actually see on a Metro?
Dillon wrote:BlackburnRovers wrote:
Firstly, I said “ethnic groups” I didn’t narrow the ethnic groups down to a particular profession and I find it quite strange that you should assume that it’s only labourers who are found littering the public spaces during the day.
By 'labourers', I presume you are referring to construction site staff? who are usually transported between their accommodation and place of work by company bus so I doubt you would see them on the metro.
Labourers, I have always thought it to be a very unfair, rather derogatory all encompassing name for the construction site staff that people often label , considering the individuals employed on a construction site are in the main, time served journeymen tradespeople, engineers and technicians, and to label them all labourers? Anywhere else in the world they are regarded as tradesmen and treated with a little respect.
BlackburnRovers wrote:
Laborer is used here as a synonym for "blue collar worker" but i understand your point
What i find derogatory though is claiming that some ethnic groups are "capable of falling asleep on a washing line".
The reason i used laborers is because the only members of that group that sleeps in public places tend to be blue collar workers. And thats because they are generally tired after exhausting physical work for 5-6 hours.
blueshift wrote:The 200 AED for weapons is a little puzzling. I wonder what kind of weapons they have in mind?
Are you serious about journeymen Dillon? I used to work as a site supervisor when I was in South East Asia and I found the third world labour there to be extremly variable. Nobody gives these people any training and they tend to arrive without any skills at all. After a couple of years paying off the loan sharks and then a couple more sending all their money back to the village, they finally aquire a few skills, but before they have a chance to pass these skills on, they go back to their village, have their arranged marriage and send some other young fellow out.
Yosef wrote:But if a women had a weapon then that is very wrong
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