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Doha Apr 20, 2007
I know this a forum about Dubai but...I have a friend I work with who is considering a position at a University in Doha. Does anyone know what the country & city are like? Is it similar to Dubai? How open is it? My friend is a woman. Married with a baby. Any info would be appreciated?


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Apr 20, 2007
It is similar to Dubai, but on a much smaller scale and some people would find it a bit small and claustrophobic. Re: teaching, the salary packages there are beginning to compete very favourably with the UAE and a lot of teachers are moving there.
When you say 'open', what exactly do you mean? Qatar is fairly conservative, but not as restrictive as KSA.
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Apr 20, 2007
Thanks for the response! By open, I guess what I mean is that she could walk around in regular normal clothes, drive, do all the things she would be able to do in Dubai.
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