arniegang wrote:Hi Jag
Respecfully i am going to have to disagree with you on many of the points you raised.
No problem there, always keen to learn more

Firstly i will address the "build quality" issue. I have an Emaar Property in the new district 4 on the marina. I am a property developer and own many properties both in the UK and Dubai. I have to say for what i paid for the property i am absolutely delighted with both the construction of the 5 towers, the way the development has been finished off and best of all the quality of the finsih within my appartment. Marble has been used in the Kitchen and all the electrical appliances are all Zanussi. At the end of the day i have to compare that with what i could expect to pay in the UK for a simialr property. Jag i am affraid to say that the same in the UK would have cost 150% more than i paid.
Definitely, sounds like you did get a good deal! Many people do get good deals, but I also know many people who didnt.. Guess its the luck of the draw. I agree with your comments about the UK market. I wasnt comparing to the UK market, which is well known to be expensive. Definitely you would get a better deal here than in the UK, with the current UK prices..
With regard as to why anyone would want to live in Dubai without working there all i can say is that I dont need to work, i have made my money on the shrewd property investments i have made in the past. I now use my Dubai home basically as a sort of retreat. On the other hand, i would say the majority of expats of all nationalities currently in dubai are only there because they are "working there". without the job the majority of expats could not afford to live there.
Exactly, that was my point! Majority here do need to work

But if you pruchase it as a holiday home, then its all good..
People are going to have to get used to the fact that Dubai has "opened up", its niche market and is no longer the bastion of the few priviledged expats who live and work there. There is now a means for other wealthy and successful people like myself to have opportunities. The Royal Family had this vision, because of the uncertainty with regard to the limited life of their oil reserves.
Yep, more people can afford propertly here now, that's for sure.. not just the footballers and celebs..
With regards your views on other properties in other countries such as Canada and Spain i have to again disagree. Investment in property in Spain has now "bottomed out". It has reached its peak to the point that the property sale prices have now levelled out at the "peak". Unless you have bought in the last 4 years there is no longer any profit potential left.
Actually, I had bought in about 7 years ago and am renting it out, so its doing well.. Canada, well that market has witnessed a constuction boom in residential prices and some good money was made there.. and its still going strong.. though condo prices have now dropped.
This indeed has happened here in the UK, where properties "peaked" at the beginning of 2005 and now the market is starting to drop, because the price at the lower range is beyond affordability for young people.
As for Canada and the US, the market is now similar, but the difference being for the majority of us outside North america is that unlike Dubai, no one without a visa is either allowed to work or live there. The situation is totally different in Dubai because market forces dictate that to continue to develop the country the UAE and indeed most of the middle east needs "western technology" because the GCC does not have the skills or knowledge internally. Saudi like the UAE has to buy in specialist skills becasue the "local population" are not able to meet the need.
Finally your points regarding "owning the land" or "freehold" is totally misinformed. Everyone to date has bought their properties with the inclusion of "freehold" built in. Currently there is no Freehold Law in the UAE.
This is being addressed in 2006 by the Government. However as in the UK, "Freehold" has more than one aspect. We have Freehold and Free. Many homeowners in the UK do not OWN their land. Many of us have 999 leases. If you want to argue the fact that we dont own our land then technically you have a point.
But at 999 years it is doubtful on the balance of probability that my childrens, children, children, children,children, children children children childrens children children childrens children will exist. And if i had no children then it has no relevance whatsoever or if my children didnt have any children the same would apply and so on.
Hmm, I didnt know that. I could have sworn that in the UAE, the cap is set at 99 years not 999. Otherwise, yeah 999 is plenty!! Will check again with a government official i know well...
Regards to the residence visa issue for females in certain aspects you are correct. However in the UK the majority of couples ie Man/Wife purchase the property in joint names. It would be quite rare even in the UK for only the wife to have the property in her sol name. This has as much to do with the ability to borrow the money to purchase that property. To obtain a mortgage the Bank will assess both the earnings of the huband/wife etc and lend to according to their income. Therefore the property is mortgaged to both of them jointly.
Therfore in my case, the appartment is JOINTLY owned by me and my wife and therefore sucession does apply. If i were to die then my wife would "inherit" the appartment in dubai and become the "sole owner". She would then be able to apply for residency in her own right as "sole owner".
Hmm, seems to make sense.. just so much confusion over the official rules here yknow.. would be nice if the specified all this stuff when you inquire about buying property and give you all the facts straight up when you are considering buying!
Sometimes i know it is difficult for cultures to appreciate other cultures and to understand the concept of that culture. In the GCC, in difference to the "West", our concept of marriage and the difference between husband and wife are in many ways very very different. For example Westerners have little or no concept of "arranged marriages" and the way man and wife live. In the West, in many cases the woman goes out to work as well as her husband and the bringing up of the family is jointly shared. In many parts of the middle/far east the family concept is totally different. for example: Get married, the mans owns the house and goes to work, and the wife stays at home and has the children and doesnt ever work or own anything - Period.
Heh, yeah different cultures, different situations, totally agree. Some good points being discussed here though, glad I found this thread

Lets hope the property market stabilizes and matures.. similar situation to now happened to Hong Kong in the 80s and it didnt end too well..