Can Someone Get Deported For This?

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Can someone get deported for this? Sep 23, 2009

Dubai Forum Guest
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Sep 23, 2009
Depends who finds out and what they say and who they say it to and what nationality they are.

If police get involved, jail sentence is possible, then deportation, or if you're lucky get married instead.
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Re: Can someone get deported for this? Sep 24, 2009
Grapefruit wrote:If 2 people are living together and they're not married, and then someone finds out, are they automatically deported? If they apologize, can they stay? If one moves out, can they stay? If they get married, can they be pardoned? If they can't get married, are they required to get deported then? If one of them, goes to police and confesses to this, will they both get deported regardless? Tell me more info on this. Thank you all.

No, maybe, yes, maybe, yes, yes.
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