Bloke Down Pub Said "Teach In Dubai" !!!!

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Bloke down pub said "Teach in Dubai" !!!! Jan 19, 2008
Hi people,

I've recently decided to take that big leap and quit England for Dubai!

Typical scene that finally pushed me..bloke down pub said

"if you love teaching in England that much, why don't you go somewhere where they actually respect you and you get a half decent wage" etc etc

And on further research, it does look amazing. Flights, accom, tax free pay, medical etc etc- WOW! Is this true??

Anyone out there teaching at present in Dubai or have any advice on how to go about the application process?? I've seen various agencies that advertise on and other websites, is this the best route?

I'm 32 single male with 8 years experience and no ties here at all, so I'm ready to board that plane...!

Thanks all from dull, wet, rainy England!

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Jan 20, 2008
I think you will find the packages are more attractive to NQT's and those with maybe few years under their belt.
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Re: Bloke down pub said "Teach in Dubai" !!!! Jan 20, 2008
prim_wizard wrote:And on further research, it does look amazing. Flights, accom, tax free pay, medical etc etc- WOW! Is this true??

Yes if you're employed on an overseas contract.

Salary and package details vary a great deal from 200 to 2500 pounds per month. Some schools great places to teach, but many that are not, even making allowances for the higher whine level of teachers who seem to forget what it was like teaching in Blighty :wink: .

have any advice on how to go about the application process??

Yes, start here - teaching in Dubai. For jobs - TES, TIE, job fairs, apply direct to schools that interest you. Unless the website is one you know to be reliable, be wary. They seem to have a higher proportion of dodgy jobs (and even outright scams).
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Jan 20, 2008
I think you will struggle to match your current pay and conditions.

With 8 years experience you should be on upper pay scale, have responsibility points and possibly head of department. This would give you around 40k per annum in UK and possibly more if you have london weighting etc.

Accomodation is the key out here as it is incredibly expensive. You would need to know exactly what 'accomodation' means. Is it a room in a shared villa/apartment, is it your own 1 or 2 bed apartment and in what area?

Basically your package needs to be worth around 25000 aed per month to give you the same as you would have in UK, doesn't really matter how this is broken up - i.e 15000 basic, plus 10000 accomodation or whatever.

I don't think many teachers here will get paid that much.

However - it is a great place to live, I highly recommend it and if you aren't bothered about saving while your here then you can live on much less (but then perhaps there are nicer places to live if money isn't an issue).

I'm a qualified teacher but wouldn't dream about teaching here - there is far more money to be made in other industries.
john smith
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Jan 20, 2008
Check out the forum on Dave's ESL Cafe for more pros and cons.
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Jan 23, 2008
Dont leave England.

Didn't the pay in England for teachers, just go up?

The pay in Dubai will be no where as near as the pay in England but then again you won't have to put up with the rain everyday and the cold weather :)
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Jan 25, 2008
Yes Oh Mighty One...a whole 2.4%- great, I can retire early...!!

Well, as I see it Id be on a slightly better deal if i was to land a post paying about 9000 AED a month as Id get accommodation and bills included.

Combine that with flightsand medical paid for and a new challenge/life in the sun and I think the UK can go kiss my...

Anyone feel the same..?
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