No pot shot whatsoever
It just seemed almost funny to me. I mean wanting to do the things you did home is fine.
But I imagined myself starting a thread:-
Hello I'm Dutch, I just moved to Dubai, can anyone tell me where the DUtch hang out? How to get DUtch Tv channels, Dutch food, Dutch beer, Dutch magazines,and Dutch stuff generally? And an accomodation where a lot of Dutch people live, and where I can be at work -where dutch people work- ASAP and back, also where dutch football (Soccer) league fans gather?
I would imagine that someone would reply : "Yeah, you can find that in HOLLAND!!"
Was just an attempt at light-hearted humour, my advice was for abcd to venture out and discover new things
It might as well have been a Dutchman or an Englishman, or a German.
Unfortunate to see some just waiting for a chance at a personal attack. Too many clowns, not enough circuses