Animal Quarantine

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Animal Quarantine Feb 22, 2008
I would appreciate any information in regard to bringing the family pet (dog) to Dubai. I have hit the web looking but nothing is really out there. I don't wnat to break the kid's hearts by leaving behind their beloved pet.........
Anyone help ???

Dubai Forum Visitor
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Feb 22, 2008
Ok I guess I have no choice to answer this - AGAIN! seeing as hitting the 'search' button is too complicated.

First off, where are you coming from?

All animals coming into the UAE must be up to date with all their vaccinations including rabies, and have the rabies blood test done before they travel.

If you're coming from the UK, look up DEFRA, they have ALL the details required.

You must obtain an export licence from your country of origin, and an import licence from the UAE Ministry of Argriculture and Fisheries. Once you have both these licnces, only then can you transport your animal.

Your flight box must adhere to strict sizing rules by IATA, if it is too small, they will not allow the animal to travel. Once again, the measuring guidlines can be found on the DEFRA and IATA websites, but basically the dog must be able to stand fully with clearance from its ears, turn around and be able to lie comfortably.

An airline will only fly one family's animals at anyone time, so make sure you book in advance, also someone must either travel with the animal, or you must prove you have someone to meet the animal on arrival.

Once you get here, the local vet will check the dog on arrival and clear it for entry into the country, this can take a while at the airport, so be patient and make sure all your documentation is in order.

Once again contact Dubai Kennels and Cattery, they have a website, they have extensive info also.

Phew! Someone please mkae this a sticky as I don't want to constantly answer the same question over and over.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Feb 23, 2008
Try k9 travel they arrange everything you need to transport your pet from UK to Dubai. They have been recommended to me should we take out our dog.

Good Luck
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