Advices And Personal Experience

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advices and personal experience Dec 14, 2005
Hi ladies and gents,

I m moving to dubai soon and will have local contract. Does any of you can help me to find out what i should need as health care insurance and what so ever. What do you usually do to get some health and care reimbusrment since there is no social security over there? Is it on your own cost or there is insurance possibility? This topic is very foggy to me! any input would be very welcome!!!!

Thanks a lot
Have nice day

Dubai Forum Visitor
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Dec 16, 2005
plainly put, you work over here on a contract, you either have to negotiate your benefits with your employer PRIOR to signing the contract or you have to provide and fend for yourself from your salary!

there is a mandatory goverenment health scheme. this gives all expats access to a government hospital and treatment at a very reduced rate. but you get what you pay for! some facilities are brillaint, others remincienct of the crimea war!

you can opt for private health insurance, not all employers have schemes or affiliations to schemes, they are expensive! but if you feel you fall into a high risk catagory (i.e. F1 driver, construction, test pilot) then go with it. if not, you can foreseeably get away with out the additional expense, but accidents do happen!

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