We have the default fixture and bare bulb set-up right now, and we assume that we need to do the following to install our own lights.
a) Shut off the power to the affected light sockets.
b) Remove the bulb and use an electric screwdriver to unscrew the screws on the default fixture.
c) Strip the end of the wires and attach them to the electrical bit on our new lights. (Then somehow figure out how to keep the new lights stable - maybe need to drill in a hook or something?) We have no idea how many wires are there or what it looks like because haven't unscrewed anything yet!
Right now we are waiting to borrow a ladder because the upstairs ceilings are quite high, so we can't even reach the lights.
Did anyone here install the lights themselves and can you let me know if I am on the right track? or did you hire someone to do it for you?
Thank you very much in advance