Sap Ehs Online Training

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Sap ehs online training Apr 25, 2014
SAP EHS Online Training

SAP EHS supports the management of industrial hygiene, safety, and occupational health processes. SAP EHS Management helps you ensure compliance with regulations for product safety, hazardous substances, dangerous goods, and waste management.

SAP EH&S – Product Safety : Product Safety sub module in SAP EHS allow companies to manage chemicals, substances, materials, etc using the Specification Information System. Since global companies ship their materials to many countries, the information about products and materials is built using phrases in SAP. Phrase Management allows managing information in phrases there by making it easy to translate the infomation in multiple languages as each phrase is stored in several languages relevant to the customer. Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is the most commonly generated and distributed report by manufacturing companies. Product Safety module enables efficient management of these reports and shipment of these reports using report shipping tools.

SAP EH&S – Dangerous Goods Management : With Dangerous Goods Management module, you can manage dangerous goods relevant data in SAP and define checks that need to be performed while selling, shipping and handling dangerous goods.

SAP EH&S – Industrial Hygiene & Safety : Industrial Hygiene and Safety sub module enables you to define work areas in your company, record exposures and assess risks associated with certain exposures and work areas.

SAP EH&S – Occupational Health : With this component, you can manage occupational health protocols established within your organization.

SAP EH&S – Waste Management : Waste Management enables you to handle and dispose industrial waste while complying to the federal, state and international waste standards.

SAP EHS Training Topics – Arani Consulting
Industrial Hygiene and Safety – II
Waste Management – I
Waste Management – II
Occupational Health – I
Occupational Health – II
Classification System
Reporting System – I
Reporting System – II
Basic Workflow
Legacy System Data Migration
Roles And Profile Definition
Organization Structure
Integration With PP and QM - " SAP EHS(ENVIRONMENT HEALTH AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT) ONLINE TRAINING " contact or+1-6786933994,+1-6786933475, +919052666559 By Real Time Experts from Hyderabad, Bangalore,India,USA,Canada,UK, Australia,South Africa.

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