Is vanity in men a culture, generation or something else? Which gender is the vainest men or women?

the message board for Dubai English speaking community
kanelli wrote:On the whole, women tend to be more vain than men because there is more pressure for women to be beautiful. Some men can be just as bad nowadays. I've known some men that always need to look at themselves in the mirror and spend more time on their hair than many women do.
isabela wrote:-- i've never met a guy whose so vain like my friend's cousin..he practically look himself to any mirror ..unintentionally...its just on his system.. he uses dove pink for his soap, 2 diff kinds of moisturiser, an olive oil for his feet...and he gave me some beauty tips as well..that i forgotten.. i mean you would thiink after hearing those things from him his gay..but he's such a playboy!..
rvp_legend wrote:isabela wrote:-- i've never met a guy whose so vain like my friend's cousin..he practically look himself to any mirror ..unintentionally...its just on his system.. he uses dove pink for his soap, 2 diff kinds of moisturiser, an olive oil for his feet...and he gave me some beauty tips as well..that i forgotten.. i mean you would thiink after hearing those things from him his gay..but he's such a playboy!..
He sounds like one of Noni's boys!
kanelli wrote:On the whole, women tend to be more vain than men because there is more pressure for women to be beautiful. Some men can be just as bad nowadays. I've known some men that always need to look at themselves in the mirror and spend more time on their hair than many women do.
yorky500 wrote:Would I be overstepping the mark here if i said:
Most Lebanese males are vain? I mean, come-on, you have to admit, tight t-shirts, slick-back hair, 3 series convert, can't fail to walk past a shop window without looking at themselves? hahahahahahahahaha