zonker wrote:I think all this "White Race" hype is just a non-issue. Scientifically speaking, there is no such thing as a White Race, or white genes or Arab or Jewish genes. Human populations in the present day and age is too mobile for any race to remain pure and pristine. We all have some good genes and some that we wish we never had. There is no doubt that the human race originated in Central Africa, whether you believe in evolution or creationism. This neuroses about the white race becoming extinct reached quite ridiculous proportions with Hitler and his Nazis, and more recently in apartheid in S Africa.
However, there is definitely a danger of the whole human race becoming extinct, collapsing under the weight of its multiple anxieties and neuroses leading to strife and war, rather than concentrating on the more pressing problems of a burgeoning population, poverty, disease. My 0.02 cents worth.
Well this was heading towards the most sensible post in the thread I have read so far! I would just add that Hitler’s goal was Aryan, a Caucasian sub-race, rather than ‘White’ and he in fact considered the Iranian peoples as a good example, Apartheid in SA was about white supremacy rather than a fear of extinction of the white peoples.
In my schooldays, in physical anthropology, there were four ‘races’ clearly identifiable major divisions of humankind, having distinct physical characteristics who walked this Earth, Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid and Australoid was added as a master race by Huxley in the 19th century. The races were not identified by skin colour but specific cranial features and dimensions, Darwin and Huxley were the early publishers.
For reasons unknown to me, our colonial cousins across the pond in America define Caucasoid as ‘White Skinned’, this contravenes everything I ever learned and defies all logic, for Caucasians, as defined by Darwin and his bulldog, can be found from the Arctic circle to the Sub Saharan deserts and as far East as Chennai with skin colours varying from positively anaemic to the darker hues of reddish brown!
So what is the OP all about? Are ‘White’ and ‘Non-Hispanic white’ clearly defined as specific ethnic groups in America? Who the hell are ‘Minorities’ can’t they be ‘white’ as well or are all ‘minorities’ black? I think the Author is adding a little more confusion than necessary to the statistics, as is the MO of another DF contributor

perhaps he is an actuary as well?
How we get from “Majority of Babies in US are Minorities” the title of the OP, to “Do you think the white race is heading for extinction?” The thread title, is bizarre, to say the least! There is no such thing as a white race as Zonker has already pointed out, there are white ethnic groups and white peoples, races are something completely different.
Interesting to note though, most of the people who prescribe to the theory that one day all white’s will become beige, are mainly brown?

I wonder why that is?
Never mind Bora, if it gets that difficult for you in the US, we European Caucasians will always be able to muster a few more ‘Mayflowers’ to assist you in the repopulation of the Americas after the next World War, White peoples become extinct? Dream on brothers.