Example: Okay, Merci Ktir, Bye
2) You call a night club “night” and Dunkin’ Donuts “Dunkin”
3) You won’t drive anything that’s not a Mercedes, BMW or a Hummer.
4) You could always use another pair of sunglasses.
5) You get plastic surgery at least once in your life.
6) You think you’re better than everyone, just because you’re Lebanese!
7) You say you hate “khalijees” but you’d go and work in Saudi Arabia or Dubai in a
heart beat.

9) You are so “class” while everyone else is “nawar”.
10) Your family owns at least one servant (Sri Lankan or Philippine)
11) You can’t do anything in life unless you have a “wasta” (connections)
12) All your aunts want to hook you up with a guy/girl they know.
13) You are constantly talking about the latest Haifa Wehbe news.
14) You BOUGHT your drivers license.
15) You don’t have a job but you drive an SUV and update your cell phone every month.
16) You only buy something expensive enough, because the higher the price the better…
17) You have about 40 cousins.
18) You have at least one relative called George, Elie, Tony or Mark.
19) When you arrive to the airport, you find at least 20 relatives waiting to greet you.
20) Then men always fight for who’s paying the dinner bill.
21) Going to church is a fashion show.
22) You hate to wait while everyone waits for you.
23) You’re a very good driver, except for the fact that you drive like shit!
24) You’re always right!
25) you know the other meaning of "kiss"
26)when the other kids were eating bagels, you ate your pita bread
27)you considered getting a liscence plate reading "EDBTZ"
27) you teach your friends arab swear words and are proud when they use them.
28)you avoid your relatives when you see them in public places like the mall..
29) A visa is not a credit card....
30) Your refer to your dad's friends as "3ammo"...
31) You have an endless supply of pistachios...
32) Your parents say you're becoming Americanized anytime you get into trouble...
33) You curse at your teachers or strangers in Arabic...
34) You can spot an Arab a mile away and they have spotted at you because they keep staring...
35) After a family meal, the women fight to the death over who should wash the dishes while the men sit on their behinds and discuss politics, waiting for their tea...
36) Your parents want you to become a doctor or engineer....
37) You use your forehead and eyebrows to point something out...
38)Your mother yells at the top of her lungs to call you to dinner even if you're in the next room....
39) You arrive one or two hours late to a party and think it's normal...
40) You are standing next to the largest suitcases at the Airport...
41) You talk for an hour at the front door when leaving someone's house....
42) You say bye 17 times on the phone....
43) When your parents meet strangers and talk for a few minutes,you discover they know one of your uncles back home. ...
44) Your parents don't realize phone connections to foreign countries have improved in the last two decades, and still scream at the top of their lungs when making long distance calls...
45) Your mother does everything for you if you are male...
46) You do all the housework and cooking if you are female... (not always!!!)
47) Your relatives alone could populate a small city.....
48) You still came back home to live with your parents after you graduate...
49)You always say "open the light" instead of "turn the light on"...
50) Your parents drink 6 cups of tea or coffee a day...
51) You've had a shoe thrown at you by one of your parents.....
52) You've been hit by the "3asayeh"...
53) You smoke arguileh/sheesha...
54) You say "b" instead of "p" ----> "happy birsday, bolice, bizza, etc.."...
55) For girls-- you know how to bellydance.

I stole this from a site because i found it to be hilarious...and im pretty sure that some of the other lebanese..or maybe even pali's on here will understand why