RobbyG wrote:LizaMarie wrote:I was wondering how long before G came to the defense of the honrable Hari
There is nothing honorable to Mr. Hari dear. Its his fine piece of honest unbiased reporting that attracts me.
If it ain't based on facts, I would say that too. Dare to discuss some? Then let me hear ya.
I didn't know of Hari since recently. I just like honest reporting without a bias. As you can obviously see, Hari's opinion is critical against the Europeans governments/shippers that help dump this toxic crap. I didn't even know that and I read myself into it today. Its sick!
Thats honest reporting. What is wrong with that?
Or would you rather like me saying, that Europe is all good and doesn't do a thing wrong since we are the best??? I think NOT.
Ideal situations don't exist in this world. Only in my dreams

I'm really

ed that you think his reporting is honest and unbiased. You should be embarrassed by that statement which you have made purely on the basis of reading two of his poisonous articles. It says something about you, think about that

You have done nothing to look into his background despite being told by others here that he is not a fair man. He takes facts (which undoubtedly exist) and then distorts them, even resorting to lies to magnify his point. Also he often leaves out very salient points which contradict his viewpoint to make his article appear stronger. This is NOT journalism, rather it is sensationalist writing that many people of today prefer to honest examination of facts. He is in no way honest because he only tells half the story DELIBERATELY. Nothing that this sensationalist egomaniac says should be taken at face value.
Robby, if it's Europeans these 16 year olds with guns are trying to 'tax' then why are ships of all flags being stolen? It's IMMORAL AND ILLEGAL in International law. You and Del are defending thieves.
SMALL example: ... 184581.htm
About 20 percent of
Chinese merchant ships passing through the waters off Somalia were attacked by pirates from January to November in 2008, before the task force was deployed.
More of Hari's lies and mangled truths:
I don’t know about you, but I’m unwilling to give much credence to anything Johann Hari has to “report”. Hari, lest we forget, invented a story. Private Eye (No. 1076 21 March - 3 April 2003, page 5, HACKWATCH Hari’s Game) had the low down: (etc.)
+++ ... -fool.html
(on the Iraq invasion)
So there we have it. Hari was right all along and he knows it because of "two crucial facts" which were neither crucial nor facts.
+++ ... du-phobia/
selective under-researched journalism is stark (etc.)
+++ ... ticle=1497
None of this factual information underscoring the role of the Palestinians themselves in failing to address water and sewage issues interests Johann Hari whose prejudicial assaults on Israel have been characterized in other independent commentary as well by
extreme rhetoric and false charges. Moreover, given the newspaper's
(The Independent) record in refusing to correct any of Hari's errors, readers should simply assume there is little or no factual merit in anything carried by the publication.
+++ ... _Op-Ed.asp
Using a falsified quote and revisionist history, Hari compares Israel to excrement.
The following communique was released by HonestReporting UK earlier this week in response to an appalling op-ed by Johann Hari published in The Independent. (etc.)
+++ ... orting.asp
(Hari doing exactly what he vilifies in another of his articles, not replying to facts but saying 'oh no, what about 'this'....' to deflect criticism):
HonestReporting critiqued Johann Hari's op-ed in the Independent, systematically exposing the many distortions, omissions and Hari's reliance on fringe revisionist sources and individuals. We even caught Hari employing a quote that he had previously been warned was false. Despite this, he has responded not by addressing the issues raised but by attacking us.
+++ ... away.thtml
He cites as authorities for his views those paradigms of reason and decency Norman Finkelstein and Jimmy Carter. Finkelstein calls Holocaust survivors ‘frauds and hucksters’, says American Jews are ‘parasites’ and supports Hezbollah.
Hari claims his critics have not rebutted what he wrote in his article about sewage in Gaza. But Honest Reporting analysed here the many distortions, selective omissions and misrepresentations in the whole piece.
(on the Dubai article)
He actually met with Roger and Elle of Helping Hands and they gave him a lot of information, but how odd that he forgot to mention that there are people here trying to make things better... (etc.)
Etc..etc...I don't have time to uncover any more.