Xibit. Born To Justify The English Defence League?

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Xibit. Born to Justify the English Defence League? Aug 15, 2011
Now don't get me wrong! I'm all for free speech. This is an internet forum and everyone is entitled to express their opinion, in my opinion :D
But some of the posts from Xibit, in the last couple of days, have got me thinking. :idea: To be honest, I've had to read them a couple of times, as though obviously barely literate, he/she has got something to say.

For those not fortunate enough to have read it's posts, let me give you a few snippits!

They are stripping the white ppl of there clothes now, stuff like that used to happen only in Africa , it’s about time the brit regime/parliament realize their mistakes and deal the situation with some sense rather than using force and making the situation worse.

its exactly bcoz of retards, with a sick demented mentality like u these riots started in the first place

These riots only started becos of white sick supremacists like the chauvinistic mofos behtsmum;

You just can’t stop about that old white fart can you,

Are you implying that the 68!!! year old white man is better that 3 young Pakistanis, those three fellows had their whole lives ahead of them, whereas that old white fart was possibly a burden on the uk tax payerThe black guy probably did the old fart a favor, 68 year old white ppl are useless and expendable any way just like the useless inbred you call a queen

It has left me wondering if it's related to errrtime!

white bastards deserve this. i think the rioters should march up to the palace and pike up the queens head at the front door. about fookin time

also, the queen(aka inbred German hooker), has tasty her royal panties.

This type of post has left me thinking....if I'm a racist bigot, as pointed out by Sir Shafique of Surrey and my little munchkin from Disco gardens, then what are these two?
Now when Sir Shafique was a moderator, before he was busted, he chose to leave a post, swearing death to all Jews, while changing one of mine pointing out that Muslim bombers couldn't add up :drunken: So it comes as no surprise to BM that he does not denounce this other Muslim poster but continues to abuse me as a racist! No worries!

Xibit's post have led me to the EDL and their website. I've had a look. Not something I've done before I have to admit and guess what! I damn well agree whith a lot they say!

Alongside all decent people in the UK, the EDL is shocked and horrified at what has been happening across the country for the last few nights. The rioting that has broken out all over the country should be a massive wake up call.

We’re not going to jump out of place and blame this on Islam (that will surprise a few people) and we don’t really have a view on the racial aspects of the riots except for the following observation. For two years the EDL has staged legitimate protests and there has never been any significant criminal damage. Almost all of our demonstrations have been met with an overwhelming and vicious police presence that included dogs, horses and numerous cases of batons wielded against peaceful EDL members. We have countless reports going far back in time from our own stewards who have been assaulted by the police while they themselves were keeping order.

We know it’s not the rank and file police who are responsible because we know we have huge sympathy in their ranks. There is something very rotten being fed down from the top, however. It’s obvious that, perhaps because of a perceived “un-whiteness” of the current criminal looters, the police have not been ordered to crack heads.

Maybe individual police officers are too fearful of being later blamed if they injure someone but the reality is the human rights of these violent criminal looters have been placed way above the right of decent people to walk the streets, to sleep soundly in their beds and to expect the police will protect their businesses and livelihoods.


Standing Firm

We wish to make this as clear as it can be:

We support Israel’s right to exist, and we support Israel’s right to defend itself.

But there is no reason why we cannot continue to support Israel whilst still being fully committed to halting the advance of radical Islam in our own country.

We support Israel, but England will always come first.

We will never risk the future of the EDL by pursuing an agenda that has little to do with the realities facing our country, and which would, quite rightly, do a great deal to jeopardise our cause.

The English Defence League also has the right to defend itself, and we will not allow the interests of a small minority override the concerns of the majority of our supporters.

Our focus is on England. It always has been and it always will be.

Bloody Hell! I couldn't have put it better myself :D

When news first broke that there had been a terrorist attack in Norway, I think it’s fair to say we all assumed the perpetrators would turn out to be Muslims.

We thought the terrorists would be people inspired by a 7th century reading of Islamic scripture which sees the world as a place is split into two diametrically opposed camps – Muslims and non-Muslims. Their justification for murdering innocent people would turn out to be that they didn’t believe tht non-Muslims could ever really be considered innocent – they were guilty, after all, of not being Muslim. Such is the twisted logic that we’re all too used to hearing (and which Channel 4′s dispatches revealed was being openly preached in British Mosques), that it wasn’t difficult to leap to the conclusion that this could only have been a crime inspired by Islam, especially with Jihadi groups rushing to issue statements claiming the attack as their own!

But it wasn’t. Or, perhaps, it still was, but in an entirely different way.

Of course, it would be grossly unfair to blame Islam for this tragedy. Despite the regularity with which terrorists cite Islam as the motivation and supposed justification for their horrific acts, what we should take from this is that Islam needs to be reformed, not defeated – and certainly not by employing the same despicable methods used by Islamic jihadists. If we see Islam as an implacable foe that we must fight, rather than work to help reform, then we are just as bad as those Muslim extremists who believe the world to be split between Muslims and non-Muslims, with no possibility of reconciliation.

We cannot, therefore, believe that the anti-Islamic rantings of a madman actually reveal that his actions were in any way justified. Inspiration can be taken from any injustice, but that does not mean that anyone who feels wronged has the right to attribute blame or to embrace violence as a means to correcting the many injustices in the world. Yes, perhaps Norway’s politicians have failed to protect some elements of Norwegian heritage from the effects of a growing Muslim population, but that does not mean that they should pay with their lives – it certainly does not mean that they should pay with their childrens’ lives. Such a conclusion is an abhorrent perversion of the criticisms made by the numerous journalists, politicians and bloggers that Breivik cites in his so-called manifesto.

So i just wanted to say, A very big THANK-YOU to Xibit and Errtime! Because...

If you, like us, are fed up and sick to the back teeth of Islamic Extremism in the UK, then sign up and join the struggle with the English Defence League and start protesting peacefully with us today.
Sign up Now...

....I just did! Well done you two :D Keep up the good work!!

UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: Xibit. Born To Justify The English Defence League? Aug 15, 2011
I think the numbers of these organisations is growing despite the left wing journalists doing their level best to deter the ordinary people from signing up. The trouble is that as more and more of the indigenous population feels ignored and bullied by political correctness it makes them more and more likely to seek organisations that will listen and have their best interests at heart. The story about the Muslim community in London fly posting our city with warnings about what to eat and how to dress was enough to send me into melt down. The majority of English people are pretty laid back and feel live and let live but there is only so far people are willing to be pushed, if the government wish to avoid conflict in communities they had better wise up and address the problems that are so clearly there.
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Re: Xibit. Born To Justify The English Defence League? Aug 15, 2011
And people like windbag here have people joining up with idiots like Anjem Chaudry. So does it justify groups like his !

The only people to suffer are the normal people from all sides who get caught up in the crossfire of these racist bigots. Two wrongs don't make a right.
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Re: Xibit. Born To Justify The English Defence League? Aug 15, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:And people like windbag here have people joining up with idiots like Anjem Chaudry. So does it justify groups like his !

The only people to suffer are the normal people from all sides who get caught up in the crossfire of these racist bigots. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Don't you fret sweetie!
You haven't got a clue what goes on in our country so best hold your wisht! You stick to the Swat Valley and we'll worry about Engerland. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks for you input tho :drunken: LOL
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Re: Xibit. Born to Justify the English Defence League? Aug 15, 2011
I like how Anjem is the poster child for Islamic fanaticism in Britain, as if every Friday Anjem transforms into the Flash and manages to deliver inflammatory sermons at half of England's mosques.
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Re: Xibit. Born To Justify The English Defence League? Aug 15, 2011
Yeah ofcourse windbag you dont like to see your real self, which is exactly what you claim others to be. Extremely weak justification for thugs like your beloved the EDL or BNP to exist. Still praying hard and keeping your fingers crossed for apartheid to become law, eh ? ;)

You windbag are part of the problem not the solution, but ofcourse if you had that much brains in the first place to realise that !

And EH, couldn't resist could you, vying for attention again ? LOL Its ok man, soon one of your buddies will come along and pat your back and give you a bone.
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Re: Xibit. Born To Justify The English Defence League? Aug 15, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:And people like windbag here have people joining up with idiots like Anjem Chaudry. So does it justify groups like his !

The only people to suffer are the normal people from all sides who get caught up in the crossfire of these racist bigots. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Unless of course,Mr and Mrs Wong from china had an albino child, then 2 wongs would make a white. :drunken:
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Re: Xibit. Born To Justify The English Defence League? Aug 15, 2011
Or a tap sum bong !

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Re: Xibit. Born to Justify the English Defence League? Aug 15, 2011
If in doubt, resort to youtube! Lost for words munchkin?

No matter how many videos you post, no matter how many names you call me, it won't take away the fact that we English are fed up with your lot marching in, bad mouthing us and trying to take over!
As long as you stick to pakistan, you've got nothing to worry about munchkin, so keep your turban on :D

-- Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:04 am --

busa wrote:Unless of course,Mr and Mrs Wong from china had an albino child, then 2 wongs would make a white. :drunken:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
As long as they make it in China!
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Re: Xibit. Born to Justify the English Defence League? Aug 15, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:Now don't get me wrong! I'm all for free speech. This is an internet forum and everyone is entitled to express their opinion, in my opinion :D
But some of the posts from Xibit, in the last couple of days, have got me thinking. :idea: To be honest, I've had to read them a couple of times, as though obviously barely literate, he/she has got something to say.

For those not fortunate enough to have read it's posts, let me give you a few snippits!

They are stripping the white ppl of there clothes now, stuff like that used to happen only in Africa , it’s about time the brit regime/parliament realize their mistakes and deal the situation with some sense rather than using force and making the situation worse.

its exactly bcoz of retards, with a sick demented mentality like u these riots started in the first place

These riots only started becos of white sick supremacists like the chauvinistic mofos behtsmum;

You just can’t stop about that old white fart can you,

Are you implying that the 68!!! year old white man is better that 3 young Pakistanis, those three fellows had their whole lives ahead of them, whereas that old white fart was possibly a burden on the uk tax payerThe black guy probably did the old fart a favor, 68 year old white ppl are useless and expendable any way just like the useless inbred you call a queen

It has left me wondering if it's related to errrtime!

white bastards deserve this. i think the rioters should march up to the palace and pike up the queens head at the front door. about fookin time

also, the queen(aka inbred German hooker), has tasty her royal panties.

This type of post has left me thinking....if I'm a racist bigot, as pointed out by Sir Shafique of Surrey and my little munchkin from Disco gardens, then what are these two?
Now when Sir Shafique was a moderator, before he was busted, he chose to leave a post, swearing death to all Jews, while changing one of mine pointing out that Muslim bombers couldn't add up :drunken: So it comes as no surprise to BM that he does not denounce this other Muslim poster but continues to abuse me as a racist! No worries!

Xibit's post have led me to the EDL and their website. I've had a look. Not something I've done before I have to admit and guess what! I damn well agree whith a lot they say!

Alongside all decent people in the UK, the EDL is shocked and horrified at what has been happening across the country for the last few nights. The rioting that has broken out all over the country should be a massive wake up call.

We’re not going to jump out of place and blame this on Islam (that will surprise a few people) and we don’t really have a view on the racial aspects of the riots except for the following observation. For two years the EDL has staged legitimate protests and there has never been any significant criminal damage. Almost all of our demonstrations have been met with an overwhelming and vicious police presence that included dogs, horses and numerous cases of batons wielded against peaceful EDL members. We have countless reports going far back in time from our own stewards who have been assaulted by the police while they themselves were keeping order.

We know it’s not the rank and file police who are responsible because we know we have huge sympathy in their ranks. There is something very rotten being fed down from the top, however. It’s obvious that, perhaps because of a perceived “un-whiteness” of the current criminal looters, the police have not been ordered to crack heads.

Maybe individual police officers are too fearful of being later blamed if they injure someone but the reality is the human rights of these violent criminal looters have been placed way above the right of decent people to walk the streets, to sleep soundly in their beds and to expect the police will protect their businesses and livelihoods.


Standing Firm

We wish to make this as clear as it can be:

We support Israel’s right to exist, and we support Israel’s right to defend itself.

But there is no reason why we cannot continue to support Israel whilst still being fully committed to halting the advance of radical Islam in our own country.

We support Israel, but England will always come first.

We will never risk the future of the EDL by pursuing an agenda that has little to do with the realities facing our country, and which would, quite rightly, do a great deal to jeopardise our cause.

The English Defence League also has the right to defend itself, and we will not allow the interests of a small minority override the concerns of the majority of our supporters.

Our focus is on England. It always has been and it always will be.

Bloody Hell! I couldn't have put it better myself :D

When news first broke that there had been a terrorist attack in Norway, I think it’s fair to say we all assumed the perpetrators would turn out to be Muslims.

We thought the terrorists would be people inspired by a 7th century reading of Islamic scripture which sees the world as a place is split into two diametrically opposed camps – Muslims and non-Muslims. Their justification for murdering innocent people would turn out to be that they didn’t believe tht non-Muslims could ever really be considered innocent – they were guilty, after all, of not being Muslim. Such is the twisted logic that we’re all too used to hearing (and which Channel 4′s dispatches revealed was being openly preached in British Mosques), that it wasn’t difficult to leap to the conclusion that this could only have been a crime inspired by Islam, especially with Jihadi groups rushing to issue statements claiming the attack as their own!

But it wasn’t. Or, perhaps, it still was, but in an entirely different way.

Of course, it would be grossly unfair to blame Islam for this tragedy. Despite the regularity with which terrorists cite Islam as the motivation and supposed justification for their horrific acts, what we should take from this is that Islam needs to be reformed, not defeated – and certainly not by employing the same despicable methods used by Islamic jihadists. If we see Islam as an implacable foe that we must fight, rather than work to help reform, then we are just as bad as those Muslim extremists who believe the world to be split between Muslims and non-Muslims, with no possibility of reconciliation.

We cannot, therefore, believe that the anti-Islamic rantings of a madman actually reveal that his actions were in any way justified. Inspiration can be taken from any injustice, but that does not mean that anyone who feels wronged has the right to attribute blame or to embrace violence as a means to correcting the many injustices in the world. Yes, perhaps Norway’s politicians have failed to protect some elements of Norwegian heritage from the effects of a growing Muslim population, but that does not mean that they should pay with their lives – it certainly does not mean that they should pay with their childrens’ lives. Such a conclusion is an abhorrent perversion of the criticisms made by the numerous journalists, politicians and bloggers that Breivik cites in his so-called manifesto.

So i just wanted to say, A very big THANK-YOU to Xibit and Errtime! Because...

If you, like us, are fed up and sick to the back teeth of Islamic Extremism in the UK, then sign up and join the struggle with the English Defence League and start protesting peacefully with us today.
Sign up Now...

....I just did! Well done you two :D Keep up the good work!!

too long didn’t read, kindly summarize.

P.S. beth, have I offended you in any way. :|
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Re: Xibit. Born to Justify the English Defence League? Aug 15, 2011
xibit wrote:P.S. beth, have I offended you in any way. :|

There is no "beth" on DF. :roll:
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Re: Xibit. Born to Justify the English Defence League? Aug 15, 2011
P.S. beth, have I offended you in any way.

Certainly not Xibit! You have pointed me in a direction that I should have taken years ago and for that I thank you :wink:

Big up the EDL!
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Re: Xibit. Born To Justify The English Defence League? Aug 15, 2011
Great, now you can add hooligan and thug to your resume aswell.
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Re: Xibit. Born To Justify The English Defence League? Aug 16, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Great, now you can add hooligan and thug to your resume aswell.

I do beg your pardon munchkin! Despite what you would care to believe there are more of us Whiteys from Blighty getting into the EDL. They are seeming more attractive by the day :D
Fear ye Not munchkin! You stick to Pakiland and I'll stick to Engerland and we shouldn't have a problem.

:lol: :lol:
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Re: Xibit. Born To Justify The English Defence League? Aug 16, 2011
^Ah, the Nazi defence.... except that whilst Hitler was elected and had public support (initially at least), the EDL has neither. However the racist few in the UK like to think the fascist EDL has widespread support. Silly delusions from silly racists. Small minded people seem to like to think they are bigger than they are.

(Cue: racist vitriol and ad hominem attack :D )

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Re: Xibit. Born To Justify The English Defence League? Aug 16, 2011
shafique wrote:^Ah, the Nazi defence.... except that whilst Hitler was elected and had public support (initially at least), the EDL has neither. However the racist few in the UK like to think the fascist EDL has widespread support. Silly delusions from silly racists. Small minded people seem to like to think they are bigger than they are.

(Cue: racist vitriol and ad hominem attack :D )


The racist few? I prefer to think of us as people who wish to protect their homeland against immigrants who turn up, expect to be treated just like us and then bad mouth us at every opportunity. Just like you, sunshine!
Go back to collecting coconuts and spouting your Ayatollah blah blah to those who care.
Meanwhile I'll go about my daily business in my home country.

16 year old black boy arrested for the murder of the 68 year old man who was seen to be kicked in the head on CCTV when he was attempting to put out a fire in a bin near his home.
That was the 68 year year old 'fart' who was refered to in a previous post, by one of those posters who make the likes of me look to the likes of the EDL.
No words of regret from Shafique for this loss of life and no words of support for his 'adopted' Queen and Country when they are bad mouthed on this forum.
And he calls he a racist.
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Re: Xibit. Born To Justify The English Defence League? Aug 16, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:I prefer to think of us as people who wish to protect their homeland against immigrants who turn up, expect to be treated just like us and then bad mouth us at every opportunity. Just like you, sunshine!

Replace the word immigrants with Jews and all of a sudden this speech starts to sound very fimilar !

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Re: Xibit. Born To Justify The English Defence League? Aug 16, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:
Bethsmum wrote:I prefer to think of us as people who wish to protect their homeland against immigrants who turn up, expect to be treated just like us and then bad mouth us at every opportunity. Just like you, sunshine!


The Jews, especially, are segregationists, and the whole world is now suffering from this attitude. It has therefore become aggressive and dangerous. It has given birth to prejudice, schizophrenia, hypocrisy, double talk, double standards, double think, created a split between “us” and “them”, and resulted in dividing mankind into poor and rich, weak and strong, and into master and slave.

But one would like to ask in this connection where does this division of the world’s peoples into Evil and Good come from? The first source that comes to one’s mind is the Jewish doctrine that divides humanity into those who are Chosen and those who are Gentiles. This doctrine seems to have imprisoned the world in its grip.
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Re: Xibit. Born To Justify The English Defence League? Aug 16, 2011
DDS - I did call it right - the 'nazi defence' and the reaction was exactly as I said it would be! ;)

Predictable. :D

I remember back when BM protested she wasn't racist. Now there's no stopping her!

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Re: Xibit. Born To Justify The English Defence League? Aug 16, 2011
shafique wrote:DDS - I did call it right - the 'nazi defence' and the reaction was exactly as I said it would be! ;)

Predictable. :D

I remember back when BM protested she wasn't racist. Now there's no stopping her!


LOL how predictable. Call on your little mate for back up sunshine! What's up? Can't speak for yourself?
Never mind, my little munchkin will always be there for you, come hail, rain or shine. :D I'm sure he'd bend over backwards for you, or forwards :lol:
Still no word of condemnation for the black 16 year old who kicked the old white man to death from you, I see.
Keep trying sunshine :D

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