Anyways, my question relates to a conversation I had with my eldest daughter, on the phone, last night. I decided to dish out some motherly advice which I'm not normally known for. I'm not the maternal type.
My daughter was upstairs in their house while my son in law (let's call him Si, mainly because his name is Simon) was downstairs watching Spurs getting hammered. It wouldn't have bothered him that much, the match that is, because he's a City fan.
My daughter is the pushy type, which she admits. She has a very good job and earns more than Si.
Si is very laid back, a really nice lad. She has pushed him in his career as an engineer till at the age of 30 he is a Manager at his place of work. You know what they say 'Behind a good man, there's always a good woman'

The only draw back is that he hates his job with a passion. He has given himself 6 months in his new position, but isn't any happier at all, in fact, he's utterly miserable. He misses the 'shop floor' and the hands on approach and can't abide going to work in a shirt and tie and working with spreadsheets and the like all day.
Well my daughter announced that Si has a job interview on Friday at somewhere new. 'Doing what?' asks BM.
'Team Leader and a £7k wage drop' replies BM's eldest, obviously not amused! She was obviously majorly p'd off with him.
'Look' says BM, 'what would you rather have, Si, happy with less money or Si, a miserable get?'
It took a little bit of more persuasion from me to get her to realise money isn't everything and that in the long run, Si, with a face liked a smacked arse constantly, wouldn't do a right lot for their relationship.
At this point BM was on a roll and also pointed out that not everybody was built for managerial positions.
I ended the conversation, not entirely convinced that I'd convinced her.
I am definately getting soft as once over I would have told her to tell him to get a grip. I have to say I do have sympathy with her plight, she is her mother's daughter, but I didn't let her know that.
So....would you take a pay cut for the sake of your happiness, or would you stick it out for the money?