Felt like having some Lebanese/"arabic" food last evening so we went to a certain restaurant. I sat in direct view of another table of 4. A couple in their early 30's - husband's back to me, accross the table was the wife, next to her was the maid (facing me) holding a noisey 1 year old. The couple just carried on eating and talking to each other not paying attention to their child or the maid who was doing all the work, etc. The maid had the sadest look...and I did not see her eat one thing. I was just so uncomfortable and lost my appetitte (and could not really keep up with the conversation at our table).
After the couple finished eating they went to the bathroom and finally the father took the kid on his lap and the maid started eating leftovers! I was within an inch of saying something but restrained myself - not my business - but still the scene ruined the meal and I was thinking about it all night (and obviously still thinking about it).
If there is a God...