And, if you're not working what plans do you have???
As for me, I was out at the pool most of the morning yesterday catching some ray's with my husband, then we had a golf game in the afternoon with some other couples. Last night we had dinner and cocktails at Emirates Golf watching all of the young girlies that have come to play in the tournament starting this Thursday. Today my husband has been working from the villa, and going to Wafi to interview someone. I will be getting ready to go out to MOE then hopefully there will be some fireworks at Dubai Marina tonight for my date with my husband.
Tomorrow will just be another day, as husband goes to SA to work. Guess I'll lounge during the day and play golf early afternoon with friends who have husbands that work 24/7.......It seems to be my favorite past time. Hopefully my golf game gets better as it sucks most of the time