Go To Work On An Egg.

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Go To Work On An Egg. Dec 13, 2011
That piece of advertising from the 80's always sticks in my mind!

I've never gone to work or school on an egg. I'm not really that keen on them by themselves.

I went to pick up my Christmas tree yesterday from Strawberry Hill. What a nice name for a farm, he doesn't have any strawberries, just loads of different sorts of Christmas trees and hens, lots of hens.

I quite like the trees that smell like Christmas but I'm still hoovering the needles up in July so I went for some Norwegian thing for the house that keeps it's needles but doesn't smell.

I got a 'proper' smelly one for outside!

When I was waiting for the nice man to put my trees in a net and charge me £47.50 I was looking at the trays of eggs for sale and decided in a moment of weakness to buy a whole tray (that's 30).

If I'm having a bacon sandwich I like a hard fried egg in with it and plenty of brown sauce. The yolk has to be smashed and erring on the burnt side, I can't bear running eggs! That's really the only time I eat eggs on their own. Beth wouldn't eat them unless they came from the drive thro MacDonalds

I can put them in Yorkshire puddings! That will take 3 and the white of another.

5 down and 25 to go!

Any suggestions from Dfers as to how I can use my tray of lovely big brown eggs?

UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: Go To Work On An Egg. Dec 13, 2011
Pelt Dunce.
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Re: Go To Work On An Egg. Dec 13, 2011
Bake cakes. Make bread and butter pudding, custard, lots to do with eggs.
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Re: Go To Work On An Egg. Dec 14, 2011
Through cake at Dunce then.
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Re: Go To Work On An Egg. Dec 16, 2011
Well you could start to enter the "spirit" of Christmas and knock up a batch of Eggnog, or as FD would probably call Advocaat, add a little more lemonade and you'd have a Snowball for Beth, and something else to throw at Dipstick.

Make your Yorkshire's richer by adding more eggs, James Martin uses 8oz Plain Flour, Pinch of salt and pepper, 8 Large eggs, and 1 Pint of full cream milk, the richest puddings I've ever tasted!

Have a pancake for breakfast and hard boil the rest for your German recipe potato salad and throw at Dipstick!

I remember the "Go to work on an egg" adverts from the 60's, WW2 ended in 1945 but food rationing in the UK didn't end until the mid 1950's, eggs were plentiful by this time and were promoted by the Government as an affordable source of protein for the undernourished new post war generation, one of my earlier memories was coming down to breakfast one morning to find 1/2 a soft boiled egg and buttered soldiers each for my elder brother and I.

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Re: Go To Work On An Egg. Dec 16, 2011
Make your Yorkshire's richer by adding more eggs, James Martin uses 8oz Plain Flour, Pinch of salt and pepper, 8 Large eggs, and 1 Pint of full cream milk, the richest puddings I've ever tasted!

I'm going to try that Dillon. I always add an extra egg white but I usually only use two eggs. I think James must be feeding the five thousand!

I was watching Jamie Oliver's Christmas programme the other evening, he was making waffles and suggested having them for Christmas breakfast with his version of hot chocolate. It was a sweet fest. Yuk. I'll stick with a bacon and egg barm with brown sauce.

one of my earlier memories was coming down to breakfast one morning to find 1/2 a soft boiled egg and buttered soldiers each for my elder brother and I.

How does one serve half a soft boiled egg?

That got me thinking of when we used to finish school at 1pm when we lived in Singapore in the early 60's. When we got home my sister and I were fed a tin of Heinz Tomato soup between us, which my mother always watered down with milk. I remember asking her why she insisted on watering it down and she always said it was far too thick.
Looking back I realise times were 'ard!

I remember the "Go to work on an egg" adverts from the 60's

Jeez! was that the 60's :shock: Time flies, I could have sworn it was only the 80's!
Well another year was clocked up by me yesterday and was celebrated at the Rose and Crown with a lovely Christmas dinner, turkey and all the trimmings! Followed by the office Christmas party today starting with Christmas lunch of turkey with all the trimmings! I've taken the afternoon off work as the session will continue into the evening. My manager is predicting whether the Financial Services manager will try to take advantage of my Christmas cheer so now I must decide whether to wear my waist clinching flat stomach making miracle workers or my best pulling pants :D
There's life in the old dog yet :P
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Re: Go To Work On An Egg. Dec 26, 2011
wow ,egg, :P maybe delicious?
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Re: Go To Work On An Egg. Dec 26, 2011
I think when I read the topic for this thread I kinda had a secret little giggle, I think this is the point where I should leave the conversation......:-/
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