Why Is UAE The Best Country In The World

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Why is UAE the best country in the world Nov 25, 2017
Well, for me as a muslim this is simply paradise. Why? Because I am FREE here, nobody tells me to go home, or to go back to my country, or to remove hijab, or not to drive, not to ride a bike or play sports in public, nobody stops me to be me, as I want it and as I am pleased.

I am in a perfect country that allows me to have my own choice in everything. As God gave us free will, so this country does. I can wear trousers or anything I want, nobody forces me to wear abayas or scarf or anything that I don't want.

Also this country reminds me every single day that my life on Earth is temporary and that I don't have a home here. As I can't choose to stay on Earth forever and to live forever, so I can't choose to stay in UAE forever and get UAE citizenship etc.
Exactly what I need for great preparation for Hereafter. Daily reminder that I am just a traveler on this world and that one day I need to return home (hopefully to Paradise). :D

Our purpose on Earth is to worship The Only God and to follow His orders. And His main order for humankind is to ensure peace and establish it there where is attacked.
Living in UAE makes us little far from that purpose of life, as we get to busy with work, school, daily activities, ambitions in sports, careers etc.
But what a good opportunity to gain all strength and wisdom here, and then go worldwide to spread a peace. Why should we want to stay forever here and live from day to day when we can go everywhere and establish peace or fight for it, if you want.

I never wanted to come to UAE, but God sent me here and I am so much thankful for His choice. Indeed He knows me the best. I always wanted to go to Makkah or Madinah or Quds, but my Lord knows me well. He gave me freedom and reminder and great people to care for me and my kids.
As I am happy for us to live here, to learn, to earn, to use opportunities, to preserve our fitras...so I will be happy one day to leave and to share our peace and freedom with the world.

If you came here just to earn money and live from day-to-day then your life is wasted. But if you live here to grow in all aspects of your life, to accept this freedom and later to share it with world, to learn how to live in harmony and go to teach rest of the world how to achieve it, to preserve morals and values and to build new generation of tolerant and ambitious, successful and open-minded people...then time spent in UAE is blessing for you.

While I am here I just wish to contribute to this community somehow, but when I go from here I will just want to share experience, freedom and peace with the world. And of course all knowledge that we gained here. Alhamdulillah.

When you are leaving UAE you should be happier then when you were coming here (even if you were born here). Because God made you ready to spread peace to the rest of the world. Go for your mission happy, carry forever with you happiness of UAE and share it with the world.

We are all going to live UAE one day. Even their citizens. Because this world is not made to be permanent home for anybody. We are travellers and we have to leave it. Some to other country, some to their graves...but always be happy and never be afraid of destination in front of you. At last take that lesson from Dubai and UAE; to never be afraid of new things.

I love UAE as it is, unconditionally, nobody can talk to me against it, it is country chosen by God for me, to stay for a while and gain strength and real taste of freedom. If I need to give my life for this country I will. Because I believe in it, its freedom and moral strength.
But also I love the rest of the world. I love Palestine and wish the same peace and freedom there as I have here. I love Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Burma...and I wish them all peace. Never war, never terrorists, never attacks...

Love from UAE to all. Haters; peace be upon you :D

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