bezor wrote:“lovers of rhetoric and meaningless symbols”???
I guess the British went half way across the world to the Maldives (oh sorry Falklands) for vacation.
Have yet to meet a Britt not correcting me when I say Maldives. I know the Arab history of the land around The Persian Gulf. Do you know your Arab history or is it just what you heard from your family?
You should know that it is common for people migrating to other part of the world to remember their old land as something of an oasis.
But I see you have adapted the superior attitude of the British. They have deserved it. I admit to that.
hahaha!!!! I don't think you mean Maldives. Perhaps Las Malvinas? As I said, it's a shame that you still have not read the whole of this thread as you might have used the correct name which I already mentioned. I can imagine why you get corrected when you name islands that are in another hemisphere entirely....

The Falkland Islands are populated by people who without exception wanted to remain British, not be Argentine. The Falkland Islands over the centuries in fact have belonged to various nations, but I think never to Argentina....your knowledge of this matter is obviously very poor indeed.
In any case, the matter of the occupation of land as sovereign territory is very different to the naming of bodies of water over which no country at all has sovereign rights. You are being a little silly mate. Stick to local matter and history where you may have more luck, although I still cannot believe that you think there were no Arabs in this region prior to formation of the Trucial States (also known as Trucial Oman) by the British. Exactly who do you think the British were governing when they came here? Asking me where I received my knowledge of history is no substitute for telling us what you think. So there were no Arabs in this region before the British came? I know the region was very sparsely populated, are you saying it was populated entirely by Persians? Please explain, as I am obviously confused.
My 'superiority' in terms of knowledge over you seems obvious, I claim no other superiority, and you are being offensive by saying that I do. I'm sorry that you feel my statement of clear facts leads to you to believe that I am doing anything other than pointing out your errors. It was after all you that criticised my post first.
I hope your understanding of the facts is improved now. No hard feelings from this side.