I also heard some send zee blood to S Africa for testing!

the message board for Dubai English speaking community
BabyDoll wrote:Is anyone considering doing a full blood test - you know one of those regular check ups EVERYONE should do at least once a year? Well I checked around the hospitals/clinics and it costs AED 1,300 for a full blood test. Isnt this like day light robbery?
I also heard some send zee blood to S Africa for testing!
Concord wrote:I'll give you number if you are interest. Female doctor. You can call and find out, etc.
HP wrote:Baby doll ,
This is dubai forum not Hospital . U sound like walking Hospital like my Grand mother .
St.Lucifer wrote:oh yeah and for cheap blood tests. head towards maktoom hopital, rashid hospital, dubai hospital or any of the Govt hospitals where they do the medical check up for visai think its just 200 aed