Why Is Everyone Called Mohammed?

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Re: Why Is Everyone Called Mohammed? May 02, 2011

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Re: Why Is Everyone Called Mohammed? May 02, 2011
Dubai Knight wrote:Dear all,

It is safe to ignore BM's rantings.

She doesn't live in Dubai and therefore knows 'Jack'.

:roll: :roll: :roll:


that's the second time you've said that in the last 24 hours. if you keep repeating it you may convince yourself it's true.

It is safe to ignore BM's rantings
She doesn't live in Dubai and therefore knows 'Jack'.
She doesn't live in Dubai and therefore knows 'Jack'.
She doesn't live in Dubai and therefore knows 'Jack'.

Feel better?

Unfortunately I do know Jack, Mohammed and a few others too :D

You really shouldn't have got BM started, DK. You may just live to regret YOUR rant. :lol: :lol:

-- Mon May 02, 2011 11:52 am --

kanelli wrote:I think I'm going to sort my foe list again, especially since there are no moderator exemptions anymore.

Yes, do us all a favour Kanelli. However I have my doubts as to how long you'll be able to hold it in, especially when I post 'Tales from Casa BM' 'More From BM's Window' 'Tales from Jumeirah Beach Residence' and any other fluff I can think of that will get right up your nose. I'll have to come up with something good to match your stories of mangy dogs and cut and pastes from 7Days :lol: :lol: Shouldn't be too hard, i've got 5 minutes later today!
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Re: Why Is Everyone Called Mohammed? May 02, 2011
Best course of action ignore and block if you ask me> she's just a jumped up 'know it all' attention seeker and no one really cares. The idle threats are beyond pathetic, really and honestly.

BM, the PM was an honest message to tell you to be careful what you put up> You might also want to get your time lines straight, as I sent that to you BEFORE my work mate confirmed who the photo was of. I don't know KW without his clothes on - sorry to disappoint you, but it doesn't take much googling to figure it out.

Get back on your broomsticks and naff off already.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Why Is Everyone Called Mohammed? May 02, 2011
So BM, are you admitting to posting drivel just to get up people's noses? :)

Posting the links to news stories is a way to share interesting news items and make some interesting discussion. Reading about sheep, cleaning your house, drinking copious amounts of chardonnay etc. makes the topic of discussion you, which is hardly interesting. Please feel free to take 5 minutes to share some news stories that people can discuss!
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Why Is Everyone Called Mohammed? May 02, 2011
kanelli wrote:So BM, are you admitting to posting drivel just to get up people's noses? :)

Posting the links to news stories is a way to share interesting news items and make some interesting discussion. Reading about sheep, cleaning your house, drinking copious amounts of chardonnay etc. makes the topic of discussion you, which is hardly interesting. Please feel free to take 5 minutes to share some news stories that people can discuss!

Full marks for this post.

Keep up the standards Kanelli :D
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Re: Why Is Everyone Called Mohammed? May 02, 2011
kanelli wrote:So BM, are you admitting to posting drivel just to get up people's noses? :)

Posting the links to news stories is a way to share interesting news items and make some interesting discussion. Reading about sheep, cleaning your house, drinking copious amounts of chardonnay etc. makes the topic of discussion you, which is hardly interesting. Please feel free to take 5 minutes to share some news stories that people can discuss!

It may be news to you K but people like to read other stuff besides your High Brow efforts. Trivia is a bit of fun, something apparently lacking in your life. You may like to note that a lot of rubbish I post gets loads of replys while your mangy dog effort got about 10. As you keep saying K. you don't have to read my stuff. I for one wishes you would practice what you preach. Bitterness is a bad look, think about your wrinkles sweetie!
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Re: Why Is Everyone Called Mohammed? May 02, 2011
Put a gold star on my chart spellcheckergirl ;)

BM, ultimately you can write what you want - like I said, I can ignore it. If you're not into animal rights you don't have to feel obligated to post in the so called mangy dog thread. All I was saying is that what you write is better suited to a personal blog. You've admitted previously that you don't know much about many issues written about on the forum, so I can see why you stick to writing about your own life. Is it too much of a stretch to actually read up on some issues so that you can contribute instead of throwing up your hands and going back to writing about your daily goings-on? Just a suggestion!

Truthfully, I just don't find you fun BM! e.g. Your comments about who you would never hire, the attempt to titillate the male members here to gain popularity, the very poor taste jokes about Japanese after the tsunami, the offensive things you've said about Shaf and his family, the maliciousness you show when you are pi.ssed off at someone. Those are just a few things I can name. Really, I do like fun, but you just don't do it for me.
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Re: Why Is Everyone Called Mohammed? May 02, 2011
And neither would I want to do it for you either K. I'm not on DF to discuss mangy dogs but for trivia. As it happens I have a job where I have to concentrate 8 hours 5 days a week. I really can't be bothered with animal rights or who says what in 7 Days. But I can see how this appeals to someone who spends all their days surrounded by naples.
As you have said repeatedly just don't read my stuff and then you can rest!
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Re: Why Is Everyone Called Mohammed? May 02, 2011
You've nailed it BM! I'm a bored housewife and that's my problem. Well, then logically you must be a bored government employee using office time and the public dime squandering work time on an internet forum. We're even. :)
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Why Is Everyone Called Mohammed? May 02, 2011
kanelli wrote:You've nailed it BM! I'm a bored housewife and that's my problem. Well, then logically you must be a bored government employee using office time and the public dime squandering work time on an internet forum. We're even. :)

Wrong again K! Or as Shaf would say FAIL! LOL! You see I'm not allowed to access the internet from work, unless on lunch. Very strict rules which must not be broken by someone in my position. They just wouldn't be fair to my employees, now would it? :D
So no, you're still a bored housewife and I'm a Government Employee. a Company Director and the sole owner of my own business and I have a whole day off!
You see it's a holiday here in the UK today! So I'm free to do exactly what I want and when. No nappie changing for BM.
I'm going to re-visit your last post. You see I had a friend call round so had to exit sooner than I had planned and didn't get a chance to finish. I think I'm on a roll! :D

I wouldn't wink too hard at Spellcheckergirl Kanelli. I think you missed the British sarcasm :lol:

Truthfully, I just don't find you fun BM! e.g. Your comments about who you would never hire, the attempt to titillate the male members here to gain popularity, the very poor taste jokes about Japanese after the tsunami, the offensive things you've said about Shaf and his family, the maliciousness you show when you are pi.ssed off at someone

The attempt to titillate the male members! LOL I love a bit of flirting, especially the cyber type! Just a little jealous K? I can understand, when you are only able to titillate the sweaty taxi driver and some old gadgy who's full of his own self importance, such an unattractive quality in a man, don't you agree?
Oh no, I've offended you and the Japs, that'll be me a million others then!
The offensive things I've said about Islam 24/7 and his family? Ah I take it you missed one of posts when I first came to DF. The one where he insulted me as a mother and my daughter, who you will remember has brain damage. The one where he issued a public apology to me on this very forum. I told him there was no need to apologise, he was free to say whatever he wanted, for which he thanked me, but the damage was done K. Then when he defended those Pakistani men for targeting vunerable white girls on the streets of England and his constant bragging about being given a British passport, it just made me sick. What a spineless excuse for a man.
There you go Kanelli! Go make an excuse for Shafique, if you can :D
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Re: Why Is Everyone Called Mohammed? May 02, 2011
I've got an undergrad and Masters degree, am a published author, and had a good career before shifting countries and having kids. Being a stay-home mom while my kids are very young is temporary but important work. How anti-feminist to try to slag me off for being a stay-home mom who changes my kids nappies. I could be working full-time right now and you'd still come out with some kind of insult to hit below the belt.

As I recall, you have been degrading Muslims and Pakistanis across various threads because of your negative experience with your son-in-law, but strangely you don't expect to get negative feedback from Muslims and Pakistanis for your bias. In fact, wasn't it Mel who insulted you about your daughter? Then Sage told you off for your conduct in the thread. But they are your buddies now, and Shaf isn't. The fact that he apologized to you if he offended you carries no weight, right? Why are you so hard on Shaf for his bias that white girls are easy, when you can come out and say that you'd never hire a Muslim in your workplace? He's got a bias and so do you, clearly. It seems that Shaf commenting on the British feral underclass really burned your butt, but I don't know why! There are so many examples to prove his point. It is a fact that there are many well educated and hard-working immigrants and children of immigrants who struggle to succeed and make a good life in the UK and are smarter and better contributors to society than "original" Brits who are poorly educated, live off benefits and cause lots of social problems with drink and violence. I'm not from England, but part of my family comes from the feral underclass in my country and they are leeches on the system and perpetuate many social problems. I've got a lot of respect for immigrants who get a good education and work hard and contribute to society in a positive way.

Anyhow, this rehashing is extremely tedious. You have your views and I have mine. Perhaps I had better sort the foe list, since I doubt there will be any improvement in our relations.
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Re: Why Is Everyone Called Mohammed? May 02, 2011
How did I know you'd find an excuse? :lol: :lol:
Yes, how very important of you to be a stay at home mom. Good work K! As you said to spellcheckergirl, gold star award coming your way :D
You won't have to redo your degree when you finally manage to get a job will you? How tiresome that these things become so dated so easily. I really wouldn't stay out of the work place too long if I were you. You can easily become stale :lol: :lol:
A published author no less! WOW! Are you good at drawing? I bet there's lots of pictures :lol:
Give us a link to one of your articles then! Was it in 7 Days?
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Re: Why Is Everyone Called Mohammed? May 02, 2011
kanelli wrote:I've got an undergrad and Masters degree, am a published author, and had a good career before shifting countries and having kids. Being a stay-home mom while my kids are very young is temporary but important work.

Wonderfully said ! , More women need to hear this ! :alien: :alien: :alien: , Now I really like you :wink:
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Re: Why Is Everyone Called Mohammed? May 02, 2011
zubber wrote:
kanelli wrote:I've got an undergrad and Masters degree, am a published author, and had a good career before shifting countries and having kids. Being a stay-home mom while my kids are very young is temporary but important work.

Wonderfully said ! , More women need to hear this ! :alien: :alien: :alien: , Now I really like you :wink:

Spoken like a true Muslim :lol:
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Re: Why Is Everyone Called Mohammed? May 02, 2011
zubber wrote:
kanelli wrote:I've got an undergrad and Masters degree, am a published author, and had a good career before shifting countries and having kids. Being a stay-home mom while my kids are very young is temporary but important work.

Wonderfully said ! , More women need to hear this ! :alien: :alien: :alien: , Now I really like you :wink:

Hear Hear !

Not important but the utmost important thing in a parent's life. Nothing should be more important for parents than their children, specially in their formative years. Nobody can subsitute for what a mother can provide for a child.

We can see what kind of effects the maid raised generation can have. Just pop down to any mall here.
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Re: Why Is Everyone Called Mohammed? May 02, 2011
Why would either of you want to decry the other. Surely as women it is more important that in this day and age we have a right to choose (and yes I know that some are not afforded a choice) but as women surely we can see the merits in both. And from a personal point of view it is also dependent on the individual what is right for one is not necessarily good for the other. I have friends who did both. I certainly wouldn't appreciate either for belittling the other.
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Re: Why Is Everyone Called Mohammed? May 03, 2011
Patience the point is in the sacrifice. Giving up a career for the sake of one's children when one could have easily afforded day care or maids IS the point and someone failing to see that is the FAIL here.

As for belittling and low blows, thats just the gob's modus operandi so ignore that
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Re: Why Is Everyone Called Mohammed? May 03, 2011
Being a stay at home mother is not a sacrifice. What you lose on one side you gain on another. And vice versa. It is a choice and one that is admirable, but does this mean that the woman who goes to work is not as virtuous after all she too is having to choose. It is what it is. Unfortunately for us women we can't have it all. No matter what kind of self help drivel books tell us. We are always faced (those of us lucky enough to be in a financial position that is) to choose.
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Re: Why Is Everyone Called Mohammed? May 03, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Patience the point is in the sacrifice. Giving up a career for the sake of one's children when one could have easily afforded day care or maids IS the point and someone failing to see that is the FAIL here.

As for belittling and low blows, thats just the gob's modus operandi so ignore that

It is possible to bring up your children properly without being a martyr. I have brought up 3 without the need for hired help when they were small. I never had to give up my career or expected a medal for what I was doing. It was hard work. Beth went to nursery part time from the age of 6 months. It took nearly 3/4 of my monthly wage to pay for the care. I was offered a big promotion when she was 1 and I went back to work full time and she went to nursery full time. Again it took nearly all of my wages to pay for her care but I looked at the future plan.
She is a well developed young lady, clever and well mannered. She does well at school and gives me little concern, I am very proud of her and I have the benefit of a very good job for which I have had for the last 18 years.

My elder two girls went to private school. Their father and I lived in Germany and I didn't believe the Forces schools offered the best opportunities to my children. They both went to boarding school in the UK while I worked full time to pay for it with a big contribution from the Army. They both had a fantastic education. Unfortunately my middle daughter became ill and her life changed dramatically for the worse. My elder daughter has a very good job, travels all over Europe and was recently offered a big opportunity within her company. She is married to an engineer.
She appreciates the sacrifices I made for her, sending her away to school wasn't the easiest decision and it cost me a fortune but it was all worth it and she is reaping the benefit now.

Everyone tries to make the best decisions for their children as they see fit. I didn't sit at home protesting that what I was doing was the best for my kids. Frankly it would have bored me to tears to hang around wiping noses and bottoms all day long. Nobody brought my kids up but me and it was hard work.

How some random taxi driver who isn't even married can venture an opinion on how to bring up children, is frankly, laughable.
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Re: Why Is Everyone Called Mohammed? May 03, 2011
And there concludes another episode of a little house on the cess pool. I never liked the orginal little house on the prarie let alone this version

P.S : No ones gives a crap about you or how you brought up your offsprings.
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Re: Why Is Everyone Called Mohammed? May 03, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:^^^
And there concludes another episode of a little house on the cess pool. I never liked the orginal little house on the prarie let alone this version

P.S : No ones gives a crap about you or how you brought up your offsprings.

And no-one cares about the opinion of some sweaty taxi driver who is shacked up on the quiet either LOL!
Naughty naughty DDS!
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Re: Why Is Everyone Called Mohammed? May 03, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:^^^
And there concludes another episode of a little house on the cess pool. I never liked the orginal little house on the prarie let alone this version

P.S : No ones gives a crap about you or how you brought up your offsprings.

And no-one cares about the opinion of some sweaty taxi driver who is shacked up on the quiet either LOL!
Naughty naughty DDS!

A job profile which includes taking people on breathtaking rides atop 100 ft sand dunes, being a part of memories they will cherish for a lifetime, sounds like a dream job to me. I don't know if the financial aspects of such a job are rosy or not, but you can't deny that it is loads of fun.
So if he's a cab driver going by the same logic I guess commercial pilots are cabbies in the sky eh? :lol: :lol:
Misery Called Life
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Re: Why Is Everyone Called Mohammed? May 03, 2011
patience wrote:Being a stay at home mother is not a sacrifice. What you lose on one side you gain on another. And vice versa. It is a choice and one that is admirable, but does this mean that the woman who goes to work is not as virtuous after all she too is having to choose. It is what it is. Unfortunately for us women we can't have it all. No matter what kind of self help drivel books tell us. We are always faced (those of us lucky enough to be in a financial position that is) to choose.

I beg to differ. Unless your the only source of bread and butter for your children. I'd call when finacially you don't have to, just for the sake of money you don't devote yourself to your kids atleast at the very minium for the first 3 to 5 years selfish and greedy.

Look how many tales are there of children who wished their parents paid more attention to them instead of their jobs and careers.

Never do anything half heartedly. Do it properly or don't do it at all.
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Re: Why Is Everyone Called Mohammed? May 03, 2011
kanelli wrote:I've got an undergrad and Masters degree, am a published author, and had a good career before shifting countries and having kids. Being a stay-home mom while my kids are very young is temporary but important work.

You mean you've got published works? Wow, that's interesting. Whats your subject of interest? Could we have a title?
Misery Called Life
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Re: Why Is Everyone Called Mohammed? May 03, 2011
Misery Called Life wrote:A job profile which includes taking people on breathtaking rides atop 100 ft sand dunes, being a part of memories they will cherish for a lifetime, sounds like a dream job to me.

Was the best mate, very few people can say the love what they do for a living. I was. Gave it the boot after over a decade when it started to feel like a regular 9 to 5 job.

Finacially it paid very well. Up to 20k a month back in the day. More than young single dude with no obligations could ask for. Although I did do over a years worth of "apprentice ship" without pay learning the trade, honing the skills and trying to grab a niche, which was then a very exclusive club. Not like today.

Funny you should mention pilots. A lot of pilots from Emirates use to do this part time in the evening when they were in "station". Who wouldn't. You get to fool around in 4x4's, more usual than not, one on one time with a lot of pretty girls from all over the world who are out on holiday and looking to have "some fun" :wink:

Sumptous BBQ meals with shisha under the stars in the serene beauty of the desert, all the while watching proper belly dancers with their non fibbing hips shaking their charm all over place and top it all off you get paid and paid well for all this !

Plus you get to meet people from all walks of life. From Holloywood celebs to the plumber from münchen and everybody had an interesting story to tell.

Oh crap, look what you did, you got me rambling !

-- Tue May 03, 2011 2:45 am --

Misery Called Life wrote:
kanelli wrote:I've got an undergrad and Masters degree, am a published author, and had a good career before shifting countries and having kids. Being a stay-home mom while my kids are very young is temporary but important work.

You mean you've got published works? Wow, that's interesting. Whats your subject of interest? Could we have a title?

Use PM's ....otherwise before soon you'll have another post from BM. " I know a lot about you ! And if you make me cross I'm going to steal the funnies from your paper every other sunday ! "

Oh the humanity of it all !
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Re: Why Is Everyone Called Mohammed? May 03, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:
zubber wrote:
kanelli wrote:I've got an undergrad and Masters degree, am a published author, and had a good career before shifting countries and having kids. Being a stay-home mom while my kids are very young is temporary but important work.

Wonderfully said ! , More women need to hear this ! :alien: :alien: :alien: , Now I really like you :wink:

Hear Hear !

Not important but the utmost important thing in a parent's life. Nothing should be more important for parents than their children, specially in their formative years. Nobody can subsitute for what a mother can provide for a child.

We can see what kind of effects the maid raised generation can have. Just pop down to any mall here.

Thanks, but with one correction. It is not the mother who is most important, it is the mother and father. Mothers tend to be more important at the start if they've got the milk production going on, but there is such thing as a pump! :) Really, both parents are important and should be seen as equal caregivers. Nowadays there are increasing numbers of fathers staying home for a few years while kids are young if the mother's salary is high enough to support the family.

-- Tue May 03, 2011 6:10 am --

patience wrote:Being a stay at home mother is not a sacrifice. What you lose on one side you gain on another. And vice versa. It is a choice and one that is admirable, but does this mean that the woman who goes to work is not as virtuous after all she too is having to choose. It is what it is. Unfortunately for us women we can't have it all. No matter what kind of self help drivel books tell us. We are always faced (those of us lucky enough to be in a financial position that is) to choose.

I partially agree. What I've sacrificed is my financial status and power in the household. I am seen as worth less because I'm not bringing in an income. Unfortunately, caring for kids and doing domestic chores is not always respected. Modern women can be shamed by other women and their spouses for not working and staying home with the kids, but if they work then they are shamed for not prioritizing their kids. Its rather frustrating! It is so true that we can't have it all.
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Re: Why Is Everyone Called Mohammed? May 03, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:Patience the point is in the sacrifice. Giving up a career for the sake of one's children when one could have easily afforded day care or maids IS the point and someone failing to see that is the FAIL here.

As for belittling and low blows, thats just the gob's modus operandi so ignore that

It is possible to bring up your children properly without being a martyr. I have brought up 3 without the need for hired help when they were small. I never had to give up my career or expected a medal for what I was doing. It was hard work. Beth went to nursery part time from the age of 6 months. It took nearly 3/4 of my monthly wage to pay for the care. I was offered a big promotion when she was 1 and I went back to work full time and she went to nursery full time. Again it took nearly all of my wages to pay for her care but I looked at the future plan.
She is a well developed young lady, clever and well mannered. She does well at school and gives me little concern, I am very proud of her and I have the benefit of a very good job for which I have had for the last 18 years.

My elder two girls went to private school. Their father and I lived in Germany and I didn't believe the Forces schools offered the best opportunities to my children. They both went to boarding school in the UK while I worked full time to pay for it with a big contribution from the Army. They both had a fantastic education. Unfortunately my middle daughter became ill and her life changed dramatically for the worse. My elder daughter has a very good job, travels all over Europe and was recently offered a big opportunity within her company. She is married to an engineer.
She appreciates the sacrifices I made for her, sending her away to school wasn't the easiest decision and it cost me a fortune but it was all worth it and she is reaping the benefit now.

Everyone tries to make the best decisions for their children as they see fit. I didn't sit at home protesting that what I was doing was the best for my kids. Frankly it would have bored me to tears to hang around wiping noses and bottoms all day long. Nobody brought my kids up but me and it was hard work.

How some random taxi driver who isn't even married can venture an opinion on how to bring up children, is frankly, laughable.

BM, I have to admire you for what you have done. A real woman. I know what a wonderful parent you have been and how much you have done for your children and are still doing, and how much they love you for it. And to top it all, balancing a very successful and highly paid career.An act not many can follow!
How do you do it? I am sure many of us would just love to know! :D
Although, not many would be able to emulate you. Then the next thing would be to criticize and try to insult you! Thats how planet Dubai works!
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Re: Why Is Everyone Called Mohammed? May 03, 2011
And what is wrong with helpers and daycare? It is nice to be able to do things with your kids and come home to a clean house etc. My older boy goes to a local pre-school for 3 hrs per day and he loves it! Did you know that the maternity leave in some countries is only 45 to 90 days, depending on the flexibility of company/organization. Do you think many companies/organizations are willing to hire pregnant women? How much does a woman's salary have to be to make money for the family as well as cover the child care costs? There are lots of factors involved in people's decisions about work and child care. DDS, you shouldn't be criticizing about things you don't have a complete picture of.

BM, there are plenty of people on this planet who go to university, travel the world for work, and marry professional spouses and they have not attended boarding school.
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Re: Why Is Everyone Called Mohammed? May 03, 2011
Bethsmum wrote: They both went to boarding school in the UK while I worked full time to pay for it with a big contribution from the Army.

You defenitely have very little mathernal instinct. I don't quite understand what you are proud of. I hope your career was worth it. :wink:
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Re: Why Is Everyone Called Mohammed? May 03, 2011
LOL I was wondering when she'd bring up Mr BM, who we never hear off. The poor guy is probably well and truly under the thumb, quivering, locked in a cupboard somewhere.
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