the message board for Dubai English speaking community
kanelli wrote:I don't give a crap if you agree with BB. I can say what I like.
If you are all so concerned about harmony here, why don't you all step back from your keyboards - PERMANENTLY. It is obvious that NONE of us can get along.
How about we all kick ourselves off the forum for own bad conduct towards others? Now that's an idea isn't it...
kanelli wrote:Yes, clearly I'M the only one unable to move forward here! Ha ha ha!
Look, how many times has the forum been through this in the past year? Fight Club solves nothing, in fact gives people a license to be even worse to each other in there. Nothing will improve on this forum, especially without moderation.
kanelli wrote:Fight Club shouldn't even exist. How absurd to have a special place for abusing others when the forum rules are that no one should be abusing - period!
Keeping the really nasty stuff out of sight is dishonest, and realistically, it always spills out onto the main forum because it causes people to dislike each other and attack each other even more. The past has proven this.
My choice is to sit on my hands. Some of you like to believe all the cra.p starts from me, but that is just irresponsible, arrogant, and lacking in reflection on one's own conduct. I can guarantee you that the bull on this forum will continue, whether I continue to post or not. (Clearly it still did while I was away for many weeks...)