Why Ban Anyone?

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Re: Why Ban Anyone? Oct 01, 2011
patience wrote:I don't know how big her a.sshole is but there are some pretty big ones on this forum.


Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Why Ban Anyone? Oct 01, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:I can see your need to invent DJ to vent your pent up frustrations. It wasnt Shafiques style to slag anyone off unless they were a sick child!
Youre slipping sunshine!

Again with the tinhat fantasies grandma?

It is cute that you think herve is someone's sick child though - but I guess I should feel sorry for his parents. ;)

So now the conspiracy theory is that DJ is me BECAUSE his posting pattern is different from mine. Hmmm - I think your pills are wearing off. :D

As for your major rants - I think Sym has found the answer. The bigger the granny knickers, the greater the rants when you get them in a twist! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Re: Why Ban Anyone? Oct 01, 2011
I hope you had both hands on the keyboard while you were writing that Johnny.
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Re: Why Ban Anyone? Oct 01, 2011
Good Girl BM! :D Don't you worry, Shaf can develop multiple personalities all he wants, he doesn't fool anyone because they are all the same :lol: .
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Re: Why Ban Anyone? Oct 01, 2011
Well spotted Gertrude.
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Re: Why Ban Anyone? Oct 01, 2011
What, yet another recruit to the tinfoil hat brigade!! :D :D


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Why Ban Anyone? Oct 01, 2011
shafique wrote:What, yet another recruit to the tinfoil hat brigade!! :D

It looks like the whole company is getting out of step but only the non-commissioned officer Shafique into step. There is no humour any more. Nobody believes here that any "non-Muslim" Englishman can support your bigotry. Just stop it.
Red Chief
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Re: Why Ban Anyone? Oct 01, 2011
Yes RC , I'm the one that is having a sense of humour failure! :roll:

(I'll add that one to the growing list of conspiracy theories the tinfoil hat brigade is constructing.)


RC - you may want to check that everyone is still a believer in the creed. Perhaps you'd like to set up a poll and see how many people share this conspiracy theory with you - herve, BM, gertrude definitely - Bora, certainly did... and you.

Do you think if more people join the tinfoil hat brigade it will make the underlying conspiracy suddenly become reality? Hmmm. :D :D :D

I think you should wait for herve's investigations - I'm sure he's calling in favours from the FBI etc as we speak. ;)

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Why Ban Anyone? Oct 01, 2011
LOL BM needs a bog and a bucket - all a bit tragic really.

No fishing Zonker, I merely told ytou not to feed the troll, but clearly you feed her ALOT. No details please, the mind boggles far too much.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Why Ban Anyone? Oct 01, 2011
shafique wrote:Yes RC , I'm the one that is having a sense of humour failure! :roll:

No, you are definitely not, but Mr. English is. It's a little bit confused me to be frank. :? 8)
Red Chief
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Re: Why Ban Anyone? Oct 01, 2011
RC - confused, surely not? You must keep the faith - be strong.

(But you really should avoid making empirically false statements such as ' Nobody believes here that any "non-Muslim" Englishman can support your bigotry. Just stop it.' - I mean that is a big FAIL on a number of different levels - not everyone shares the tinfoil hat ideology.)

I have a feeling that even herve is now waivering in his belief, he doesn't sound as confident as he once was. I mean, surely by now he would have produced a bar chart or an explanation of my cunningness at setting up an account in May etc...

But then again, perhaps I did that just to confuse you guys and it is working? ;)

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Re: Why Ban Anyone? Oct 01, 2011
shafique wrote: You must keep the faith - be strong.

He-he. I was tought by the greatest. :wink:

Calm down, Sir. I am afraid of an accusation in "baiting and biting game" or "pressing buttons".
8) 8) 8)
Red Chief
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Re: Why Ban Anyone? Oct 01, 2011
:D Glad to hear it RC.

Remember, don't trust the doubters - keep saying the mantras... 'DJ is shafique, DJ is shafique... '

:D :D

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Re: Why Ban Anyone? Oct 01, 2011
shafique wrote::D Glad to hear it RC.

Remember, don't trust the doubters - keep saying the mantras... 'DJ is shafique, DJ is shafique... '

No. Shafique is DJ. I guess it's a very good qualification on your beach paradise. Am I right?
8) 8) 8)
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Re: Why Ban Anyone? Oct 01, 2011
If you think you're right and keep saying the mantra, who knows.. maybe you'll be proved right? :D

'shafique is DJ, shafique is DJ...' keep the faith, RC, keep the faith.
(Don't trust doubters like me that are laughing at you, just keep the faith..)

:D :D

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Re: Why Ban Anyone? Oct 01, 2011
Red Chief wrote:
shafique wrote:What, yet another recruit to the tinfoil hat brigade!! :D

It looks like the whole company is getting out of step but only the non-commissioned officer Shafique into step. There is no humour any more. Nobody believes here that any "non-Muslim" Englishman can support your bigotry. Just stop it.

In Arabic, the word Tarkiz means "Focusing" - - U need a little bit of tarkiz ;)
We already had a poll, and it seems majority wants to kick that gigantic engish a.sshole out :D
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Re: Why Ban Anyone? Oct 01, 2011
symmetric wrote:
Red Chief wrote:
shafique wrote:What, yet another recruit to the tinfoil hat brigade!! :D

It looks like the whole company is getting out of step but only the non-commissioned officer Shafique into step. There is no humour any more. Nobody believes here that any "non-Muslim" Englishman can support your bigotry. Just stop it.

In Arabic, the word Tarkiz means "Focusing" - - U need a little bit of tarkiz ;)
We already had a poll, and it seems majority wants to kick that gigantic engish a.sshole out :D

Oi, don't offend the rest of the English on here by lumping us in with THAT!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Why Ban Anyone? Oct 01, 2011
If you're going to attempt to rant in English then plesse improve your grammar.
Its we've had a poll.
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Re: Why Ban Anyone? Oct 01, 2011
Gee Shaf, how old are you really? This brings back memories from school yard. The trolling of you and DDS on this forum was apparently not enough, so DJ had to be created.
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Re: Why Ban Anyone? Oct 01, 2011
symmetric wrote:In Arabic, the word Tarkiz means "Focusing" - - U need a little bit of tarkiz ;)
We already had a poll, and it seems majority wants to kick that gigantic engish a.sshole out :D

If you want to teach, choose any Arabic forum for that. I have not said that I need any improvement in Arabic so far. It's the English forum.

At second, I have already made a statement about your poll and who realy deserves a ban due to his foul language, which is against the rule of the forum.

At third, I did not speak in the post about BM at all but only that weird Shafique's habit to talk to himself.

So your post is misplaced may be due to reading comprehension failure in English.
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Re: Why Ban Anyone? Oct 01, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:LOL BM needs a bog and a bucket - all a bit tragic really.

No fishing Zonker, I merely told ytou not to feed the troll, but clearly you feed her ALOT. No details please, the mind boggles far too much.

And Chocs needs her brave pills. Dishing out the orders via PM!
LOL you shot yourself in the foot there didnt you?
I would stick to PMing your known friends and leave mine alone in future.
Just a suggestion :drunken:
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Re: Why Ban Anyone? Oct 01, 2011
shafique wrote:RC - you may want to check that everyone is still a believer in the creed. Perhaps you'd like to set up a poll and see how many people share this conspiracy theory with you - herve, BM, gertrude definitely - Bora, certainly did... and you.

Never said I was TOTALLY convinced. The jury is still out on this one.
Bora Bora
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Re: Why Ban Anyone? Oct 01, 2011
Thanks for clarifying Bora - BM was sure you were a believer, even citing something you said about 2 for 1..

By my count, the hard core tinfoilers are: herve, BM, Red Chief and now gertrude. Did I miss anyone? FD - are you a believer or a doubter?

herve is actively investigating and urged the believers to be vigilant.

Let me get the obligatory poster out of the way:


:D :D

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Re: Why Ban Anyone? Oct 01, 2011
shafique wrote:Thanks for clarifying Bora - BM was sure you were a believer, even citing something you said about 2 for 1..

When I say the jury is still on this one Shaf it means that a verdict has yet to be reached. Still collecting "evidence". :lol: :lol:
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Re: Why Ban Anyone? Oct 01, 2011
Sure thing Bora - you're an agnostic and not a believer. I understood your position clearly. ;)

Let's see what the investigation uncovers. Perhaps herve will be able to convince me that I am DJ.. that'll be very impressive!! :D

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Re: Why Ban Anyone? Oct 01, 2011
Your attention seeking childishness never stops to amaze. Since you are so keen on my opinion and are graving my attention, I think DJ is some joint venture between DDS and you. I donot know the % of shares, nor do I care. Its just really pathetic. DJ is as obnoxious as DDS and you.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Why Ban Anyone? Oct 01, 2011
shafique wrote:Sure thing Bora - you're an agnostic and not a believer. I understood your position clearly. ;)

What does religion have to do with this? :? Does everything come down to religion with you? Unless, of course, you think you are God. :shock: :shock:
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Re: Why Ban Anyone? Oct 01, 2011
Surely God doesnt have a backside with its own post code? Have you seen fatty biggin himself up on the internet?

I love google! Cheers Shafique!

PS id give those curry pies a miss if i were you!
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Re: Why Ban Anyone? Oct 01, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:
shafique wrote:Sure thing Bora - you're an agnostic and not a believer. I understood your position clearly. ;)

What does religion have to do with this? :? Does everything come down to religion with you? Unless, of course, you think you are God. :shock: :shock:

LOL - herve's conspiracy theory is an article of faith for herve, and his high-priestess is BM. The latest convert is gertrude. RC is the evangelist.

I'm a disbeliever - you're an agnostic. But hey, if herve's proof is convincing, maybe I will be convinced the central belief of the brigade that 'shafique is DJ' :D

Edit: FD has broken away and formed his breakaway cult - he thinks that the DJ is two, his mantra is 'DDS and Shafique are DJ' but is still working out the details. :drunken:

That surely deserves a picture for the sheer creativity and deviousness of the conspiracy theory:

As to whether I think I'm god -- well, you guys are fond of telling me what I believe, what do you think? :D :D

(High priestess - curry pies, mmmm lovely - although I do love the stilton and steak pies by the square pie company in Spitalfields market... mash and mushy peas and gravy, yummy! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: )

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Re: Why Ban Anyone? Oct 01, 2011
It shows! I would normally say that you're a bit of a chubber but seeing as you like the truth, you are a right fat bastard

The first rule in discovering a fraud is to use google as bigheads always like to big their sad lives up on the internet
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