Who Is Sick And Fed Up.................

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sick and fed up of all the squabbling ?

Poll ended at Sep 13, 2010

Total votes : 15

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Who is sick and fed up................. Sep 06, 2010
sick and fed up of all the squabbling - vote now

UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: Who Is Sick And Fed Up................. Sep 06, 2010
Me, voted yes.

As DK would say way too much ping pong on various hallucinogenics !
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Re: Who is sick and fed up................. Sep 06, 2010
Its like ping pong with hand grenades at times.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

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Re: Who Is Sick And Fed Up................. Sep 06, 2010
Hand grenades?? I think they are being tossed around in the Dunkirk arena - as we e-speak.
Bora Bora
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Re: Who Is Sick And Fed Up................. Sep 06, 2010
On a lot nore fronts that just that.

I say send all of them to the corner for sometime for being naughty.
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Re: Who is sick and fed up................. Sep 07, 2010
arniegang wrote:sick and fed up of all the squabbling - vote now

No... not really!!!

Kindda entertaining actually!!!!

Why do you think people pay top money to go see two guys bash their brains out, in a game otherwise known as boxing!!!????

:) :)
Tom Jones
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Re: Who is sick and fed up................. Sep 07, 2010
Tom Jones wrote:
arniegang wrote:sick and fed up of all the squabbling - vote now

No... not really!!!

Kindda entertaining actually!!!!

Why do you think people pay top money to go see two guys bash their brains out, in a game otherwise known as boxing!!!????

:) :)

I paid to see a boxing match once...

ended up at the Bryant and May factory!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Who is sick and fed up................. Sep 07, 2010
It is getting kinda of tedious. I mean that's what the FC area is for, so give all the fighters access so they can squabble in there and leave General for people who actually want to discuss things.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Who is sick and fed up................. Sep 07, 2010
Chocoholic wrote:It is getting kinda of tedious. I mean that's what the FC area is for, so give all the fighters access so they can squabble in there and leave General for people who actually want to discuss things.

I'm not complaining - well kind of - but it seems most of the discussion is about "figthing" but I suppose the forum may be a platform for lettign out 'steam". Stick and stones...

yeah discussing things would be goood.
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Re: Who Is Sick And Fed Up................. Sep 08, 2010
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Who Is Sick And Fed Up................. Sep 08, 2010
kanelli wrote:Edited

What the furnicating are you talking about?
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Re: Who Is Sick And Fed Up................. Sep 08, 2010
That's hilarious. So, on one hand I cannot complain that my garbled cuss word was edited out, because I had commented on the usefulness of that before, but on the other hand a thread devoted completely to flaming still remains in the general forum. I guess I have to be happy with small steps towards better moderating. :D
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Re: Who is sick and fed up................. Sep 08, 2010
Hahahahaha that's sooooo typical!
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Re: Who Is Sick And Fed Up................. Sep 09, 2010
kanelli wrote:That's hilarious. So, on one hand I cannot complain that my garbled cuss word was edited out, because I had commented on the usefulness of that before, but on the other hand a thread devoted completely to flaming still remains in the general forum. I guess I have to be happy with small steps towards better moderating. :D

The intention of this thread was a serious excercise in seeking opinions about all the cat fighting going around here at the moment. I for one am totally fed up with it.

It is in General because that was where i put it, and will remain so until Sage or I decide otherwise.
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Re: Who Is Sick And Fed Up................. Sep 09, 2010
Like I voted, I've had it aswell. Thankfully its subsided now or maybe I've stopped looking.
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Re: Who Is Sick And Fed Up................. Sep 09, 2010
arniegang wrote:
kanelli wrote:That's hilarious. So, on one hand I cannot complain that my garbled cuss word was edited out, because I had commented on the usefulness of that before, but on the other hand a thread devoted completely to flaming still remains in the general forum. I guess I have to be happy with small steps towards better moderating. :D

The intention of this thread was a serious excercise in seeking opinions about all the cat fighting going around here at the moment. I for one am totally fed up with it.

It is in General because that was where i put it, and will remain so until Sage or I decide otherwise.

Ay ay captain! :albino:
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Re: Who is sick and fed up................. Sep 10, 2010
I must say this is one of the most unfriendly forums I have ever come across. It seems that anyone (not only the females I might add) is ready to jump on you with sarcastic and uncalled for 'attacks'. Why are you threatned by newbies, I wonder? I see that a lot of you have thousands of posts to your credit. Surely new people here can only add spice to the forum? Personally I work well under abuse but I think it may be a negative for some. You are closing this forum down to a lot of potential posters by your negative attitudes. You may like to consider this point. And before you come back with all your posts saying if you don't like it s*d off, I will say I do like it and bring it on.
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Re: Who Is Sick And Fed Up................. Sep 10, 2010
Bethsmum, you are right, no one should be biased against newbies. We were all newbies at some point and should remember that.
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Re: Who Is Sick And Fed Up................. Sep 10, 2010
Personally nothing against newbies and they are all welcomed, after all everyone was a newbie once. Bethsmum, dont take this personaly but I think you really got off on the wrong foot here, and took up issue with a few people here or maybe people just don't know you well enough and misunderstand what your trying to say. Thats one of the problem with forums or text only based communication, specially when you don't the person on the other end. Very easy to misread and misunderstand. For instance sarcasm really comes off bad in places like these. So unlike you know the person its very hard to tell.

Anyways alls well that ends well
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Re: Who is sick and fed up................. Sep 10, 2010
Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not whining about any treatment I may have received here, as I say, I thrive on a bit of abuse. It's these polls thingys people seem to like, who is the most interesting sh*g etc. Aren't these polls just done to undermine the person with the least votes? BTW I don't look at the results as am left in blissful ignorance. The mods seem to be the worst offenders in trying to play one of against the other. At one stage one of you was trying to play me off against Dillon, it isn't going to happen.
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Re: Who is sick and fed up................. Sep 10, 2010
:lol: :lol: :lol:

you take yourself and the forums too seriously BM!
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Re: Who is sick and fed up................. Sep 10, 2010
Mods? Playing?

Shurely shome mishtake?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Who is sick and fed up................. Sep 10, 2010
Bethsmum wrote:Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not whining about any treatment I may have received here, as I say, I thrive on a bit of abuse. It's these polls thingys people seem to like, who is the most interesting sh*g etc. Aren't these polls just done to undermine the person with the least votes? BTW I don't look at the results as am left in blissful ignorance. The mods seem to be the worst offenders in trying to play one of against the other. At one stage one of you was trying to play me off against Dillon, it isn't going to happen.


Hi and a belated welcome.

I think you are taking things a bit literally regarding the polls, please dont read anything into them and i can say without any doubt it is certainly no critisism of any particular individual, whether they are a newbie or not.

Personally i enjoy seeing new posters jumping straight in whether they be of a confrontational type or not. In my humble opinion all of you from JBR are more than welcome here, and i hope you are not put off by the minority here that think that numbers of posts give them some sort of superior right on this forum or even those with minor moderator status.

Sage and i have the ability to ban anyone who in our opinion is being or acting in a inappropriate manner. I will be discussing with him in the next week or 2 whether we intoduce a temporary ban be it 24/48 hours or 7 days in allowing someone to calm down or take time out to chill. This has not been used for a long time and like i said its something Sage and i will discuss with a view to re-introduction of this system.

Anyone who feel they are being victimised in any way by anyone including Mods, are encouraged to pm Sage or moi.
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Re: Who is sick and fed up................. Sep 10, 2010
Thank you for your welcome. I have to say it does take some getting used to, this forum. I must say i felt amongst friends on JBR, although everyone didn't agree all the time, just a shame the site went down when it did. I have been warned that any infomation you choose to give here about yourself has a habit of coming back to haunt you. I suppose I can't keep up BM International Woman of Mystery if you have been a watcher of JBR (or may be even a poster) :bounce: BTW it isn't my style to complain to a mod tho' I would just walk away if I didn't like things.
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Re: Who is sick and fed up................. Sep 10, 2010
i aint sick nor fed up and stop complaining wussses 8)

lol why are they ALWAYS complaining!!!! they aint happy with dubai, they aint happy with people chucking kittens out of fast moving cars, they aint happy with anything are they?? And now they aint happy with a few people fighting on a forum!!!! lol
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Re: Who is sick and fed up................. Sep 11, 2010
rudeboy wrote:they aint happy with people chucking kittens out of fast moving cars,

Erm, what is your problem with people who not happy about that? Are you trying to say kittens (or any of God's creatures) deserve to be thrown out of vehicles? Or that humans are entitled to seek pleasure in torturing, maiming, or killing kittens (or any of God's creatures)? Or something else that I'm missing?

rudeboy wrote:And now they aint happy with a few people fighting on a forum!!!! lol

People choose to fight in a forum. Kittens don't choose to be chucked out of cars on a highway by cowardly wusses.
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Re: Who is sick and fed up................. Sep 12, 2010
rudeboy wrote:..........they aint happy with people chucking kittens out of fast moving cars......... lol

It's bad enough that someone could think something like that and find humor in it, but it's really sick to "say it out loud". Just goes to show how twisted you are RB.
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Re: Who is sick and fed up................. Sep 12, 2010

You tell him, guys!!!

:? :?
Tom Jones
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Re: Who is sick and fed up................. Sep 12, 2010
Can I throw RB bound and gagged out of my car window, preferably into the path of an oncoming truck!
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Re: Who is sick and fed up................. Sep 12, 2010
Chocoholic wrote:Can I throw RB bound and gagged out of my car window, preferably into the path of an oncoming truck!

I think you need to really have some feeling for the truck!
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