So Who Is Getting One?

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So who is getting one? Jun 07, 2011
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Re: So Who Is Getting One? Jun 07, 2011
Yeaaaa ! Another dumbass electric vehicle

UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: So who is getting one? Jun 08, 2011
I dont think its dumbasss electric vehicle.. Plus check whats happeneing in China mate, in the last few years 25 million electric vehicles have been sold!!!

I am seriously considering something like this, but dont know if I will get stopped by the police or not :D
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Re: So who is getting one? Jun 08, 2011
rudeboy wrote:

Hey Man, Im totally into this electric vehicles thing , Not because I give a damn about the environment , but its new tech heh
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Re: So who is getting one? Jun 08, 2011
zuber its not just about saving the environment. they are bloody cheaper than petrol! Imagine if you are going to work from sharjah to dubai and back. How much does it cost you for the petrol, salik. Also think about the time you spend stuck in the traffic jam?

these things are slow but still 50km/hr and once fully charged they can last up to 50 to 60KM??

I am sure that people like pizza hut, dhl cant wait to get their hands on these things!!
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Re: So who is getting one? Jun 08, 2011
Gotta just make sure there's a socket handy to recharge the thing lol
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: So who is getting one? Jun 08, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:Gotta just make sure there's a socket handy to recharge the thing lol

its not for people who are travelling from dubai to abu dhabi and back! not yet anyway maybe in the future.

But its for commuting within dubai i.e 60 to 70km range. but sockets are everywhere i guess, so once you are at your office you start charging and once you get back home you can charge it up again.

There is an electric bike out there which doesnt need to be charged at all and that THING IS BLOODY FAST!!!
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Re: So Who Is Getting One? Jun 08, 2011
You know all this electric crap is just that electric crap. And these vehicles really arn't that green as one would think. It cause hell lot more pollution to manufacture these things than ordinary cars and they are not as efficient as people might think.

Most of it is just marketing hoopla.
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: So Who Is Getting One? Jun 08, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:You know all this electric crap is just that electric crap. And these vehicles really arn't that green as one would think. It cause hell lot more pollution to manufacture these things than ordinary cars and they are not as efficient as people might think.

Most of it is just marketing hoopla.

to create a car am sure loads of pollution is caused. but what about when the car is up and running. what about the fuel thats being burnt in the cars engine? come on dd electric bikes dont burn fuel they run on batteries thats the only difference. Plus what about the maintenance? How much do you spend in a month on petrol, servicing and repairs? Compare that with an electric bike and you will find its way cheaper than a car!!!

Its a shame that UAE/Middle East is always last to realise the true benefits of "green" technology :(
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Re: So Who Is Getting One? Jun 08, 2011
"Green tech" is for fools when it comes to motorised transports.

Now Top Gear and Jezza is not the defintive word in anything but here is some food for thought,

And you're worng when it comes to maintaince aswell. Every thing in these vehicles is high tech and not mass produced meaning very expensive to repair or replace and where and how do you think that elelctricty in the wall sockets comes from ?

All in all this green bussiness is a massive crock
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: So who is getting one? Jun 08, 2011
yes electric vehicles do need maintenance but not that much compared to your normal cars. Yes they need electricity to charge them up but come on do the comparison of electricity cost with petrol gas??

There are various types of electric vehicles and Jermey Clarkson did try one and he loved it. If I find that video i ll post it here..

Check this electric asist bike which doesnt need to be charged at all!!!

top speed 60 km and it can be driven for over 100 km!
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Re: So Who Is Getting One? Jun 08, 2011
"green" tech has a long way before it comes even close to fossil fuel performance. Until and unless "green tech" can offer better or atleast similar no one is really going to bother with it. And by perfomance I don't only mean 0-60 figures but the whole she bang. Infrastructure, price, availbilty, so on and so forth.

Right now its the matter of giving up a reliable, cheap and accesible means of transport for very expensive, useless and unuseable one. And currently only tree huggers are intrested in that sort of stuff and the avg joe couldn't give a flying fark.

Until that day give me a gas guzzling hummer anyday so I can run over those pathetic and useless electric cars and bikes !
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Re: So Who Is Getting One? Jun 09, 2011
Cheeez - DDS never took you for such a Ludite! What are you doing on this interweb thingy then ?

If no one had realised the possibilities for world wide communications using domestic telephone lines we would still be stuck with the post, or even worse fax ...

Perhaps you should go back to using a marker pen on the toilet walls instead of regurgitating Clarkson's opinion, if you are so opposed to progress.

The same goes for electrically power vehicles, face it, it is happening. Over here I can buy a Nissan Leaf, charge it up overnight from energy produced by solar panels on my roof (365 days per year) (yes even in the UK) and sell the excess back to the grid. Other manufacturers are due to deliver road going electric vehicles using the same type of technology, this year and next, and as a result I will become less and less dependant on fossil fuels extracted from countries run by tinpot despots and their toadying minions, moreover this of course means that I will be contributing nothing to the coffers of those countries.

For me its a win-win, though not so cool for Sheikh MaHandi :lol:

I really could not careless if the TopGear presenters think its gonna happen or not and neither should you.

I also dont care if I cant have a Ferrari 458(e) yet but it will come, if not in my life time then certainly for my kids, and a better world it will be for it.
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Re: So Who Is Getting One? Jun 09, 2011
I think you missed this part

Until and unless "green tech" can offer better or atleast similar no one is really going to bother with it

Certainly not me, and many many millions others like me. You migth have your leaf with its proposed range of 160kms which all e car manufactueres forget to mention that if you use any of the elec accesories on them drops dramtically. Like head lights, stereo and most importantly in this part of the world A/C ! You'd hardly go 50k without having to recharge.

The infrastructure does not exist, not every one lives in a house with a garage, how do you propose to charge these things while you car is parked down in the basement or at the parking lot at work and you aint got enough charge to get back home ?

Biggest problems with e cars is battery and range. Still too bulky and can't hold enough juice to be practical.

Got no problems with e crap but right now the tech is still toooo young and they are trying to promote the Wright brothers flyer as an Airbus A380. Personally I think they are all going in the wrong direction. There are better and practical alternatives than electric and those need to be explored more, developed and promoted.

Think fusion not fission.
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Re: So Who Is Getting One? Jun 09, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:I think you missed this part

Until and unless "green tech" can offer better or atleast similar no one is really going to bother with it

Certainly not me, and many many millions others like me. You migth have your leaf with its proposed range of 160kms which all e car manufactueres forget to mention that if you use any of the elec accesories on them drops dramtically. Like head lights, stereo and most importantly in this part of the world A/C ! You'd hardly go 50k without having to recharge.

The infrastructure does not exist, not every one lives in a house with a garage, how do you propose to charge these things while you car is parked down in the basement or at the parking lot at work and you aint got enough charge to get back home ?

Biggest problems with e cars is battery and range. Still too bulky and can't hold enough juice to be practical.

Got no problems with e crap but right now the tech is still toooo young and they are trying to promote the Wright brothers flyer as an Airbus A380. Personally I think they are all going in the wrong direction. There are better and practical alternatives than electric and those need to be explored more, developed and promoted.

Think fusion not fission.

e-cars are here to stay. Its already happening in China, Korea, Taiwan. Already some european countries are trying it out and it wont be time before it happens in the UAE or Middle East. Well with the petrol running out in EPCO we havent really got any choice have we now ;)

As for the electric car juice and range. research about it theres an electric car out there which is bloody faster than a ferari!

But yes you are right the infrastructure is not there because you said rightly that not everyone in UAE has a garage. But if the government takes the initative like they have in china, japan etc instead of petrol stations we could have electric recharging centers??

Any way I think we will see electric cars soon.
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Re: So Who Is Getting One? Jun 09, 2011
And thats another hurdle in electric tech. Takes donkey ages to get recharged, not like you just pull into a pump and fill 'er up. Majority of the vehicles need overnight charges. Combine that with very a limited range and it becomes totaly impractical.

Electric still has a long way to go and I repeat until then its pointless try to flog electric crap to the public, and VW is right is saying this has mostly nothing to do with pollution or enviroment but more so that the other countries become less dependent on oil. If tommorow the worlds biggest usable oil reserves were found in bang in the middle of texas. They would tell all the greenies to go stuff themselves.
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: So Who Is Getting One? Jun 09, 2011
depends on which model you go for. there are some which dont need to be re-charged and there are some which can be driven for over 200 km!
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Re: So who is getting one? Jun 09, 2011
Electric cars / bikes are only as green as the power source that is used to generate the electricity that charge their batteries. They will help with localized smog and pollution in congested areas, but will only be truly green if the electricity they use comes from green sources. Still way too many coal fired power stations in the world! Governments need to start investing more in Solar, Wind and Hydro electric schemes that can be sustainable.
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