Who Are These People?

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Who are these people? Nov 23, 2006
This is so freaky and true

My sister studys in the American University Of Sharjah (AUS) here in the UAE. And lately she found out from this other student she talks to that in every class related to politics or islamic studies there's one american "student" who takes notes all the time.Which reminded her of her first year in uni when she had to take one islamic studies class for foreigners (that's the easy version) and there was this one american chic who always cried when people made presentations about wars in the middle east which really bugged others, and then she wrote down notes again.

are they monitoring what's being taught to make sure noone's being extreme?? that's wierd and freaky, and they're "sure" it's true cause most of her friends attend such clases and once her friend had a heated arguement with this american guy in a class for politics and he was saying people in this area are backwarded and stuff.that dosent sound like a student to me 0_O

what do you think? i think it's spooky and cool at the same time. undercover action.

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Nov 23, 2006
What I think is that Stalinism is in the air at Dubai Forums. I posted a thread about the sheiks of the UAE and it was deleted.
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Nov 24, 2006
Yeah? what was it about them exactly you discussed?
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Nov 24, 2006
Ohh I wonder why it was deleted. This news have already been out, it wont make a difference for people to know more detail.

anyways, back on topic.
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Nov 24, 2006
That's rich


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Re: Who are these people? Nov 24, 2006
PARANOID wrote:This is so freaky and true

My sister studys in the American University Of Sharjah (AUS) here in the UAE. And lately she found out from this other student she talks to that in every class related to politics or islamic studies there's one american "student" who takes notes all the time.Which reminded her of her first year in uni when she had to take one islamic studies class for foreigners (that's the easy version) and there was this one american chic who always cried when people made presentations about wars in the middle east which really bugged others, and then she wrote down notes again.

are they monitoring what's being taught to make sure noone's being extreme?? that's wierd and freaky, and they're "sure" it's true cause most of her friends attend such clases and once her friend had a heated arguement with this american guy in a class for politics and he was saying people in this area are backwarded and stuff.that dosent sound like a student to me 0_O

what do you think? i think it's spooky and cool at the same time. undercover action.

i never noticed any when i attend classes. ill take a look next time.
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Nov 24, 2006
Hey Bushra,

Welcome back
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Nov 25, 2006
When a student taking notes in class becomes "suspicious" you just have to laugh. When a person shows emotion over wrongs that their government helps support, that makes them really suspicious too. :lol: Sure, yeah, they must be spies! :lol:
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Nov 25, 2006
Paranoid you live up to your namesake.

it is usual and encouraged for Uni studens to take extreme views and get into debates

As for the note taking well they are American and have no terms of reference for Islamic studies so would have to write notes furiously to understand.

if you went and learnt say Spanish studies you'd have to pay attention to.

maybe this person is just a conscientious student.

Besides there are such people as "auditors" who assess uni subjects and feedback to the actual uni on the quality of class and content.
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