""Whites Have Become Black"

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""Whites have become Black" Aug 14, 2011
David Starkey argues that the feral underclass has been adopted by the 'blacks':

The chavs have become black. The whites have become black. A particular sort of violent, destructive, nihilistic gangster culture has become the fashion.

I don't agree with many of Starkey's views - but I do like his history books and documentaries. Sometimes he speaks sense about current issues. Does he have a point here? You make up your mind.


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Re: ""Whites have become Black" Aug 14, 2011
Oh Lord, make me brown, but don't give me big lips. :alien:
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Re: ""Whites Have Become Black" Aug 14, 2011
I dont know who this guy Starkey is, but he appears to be spewing out mostly racist hog-wash.
Here's a poem that I read recently (and there are no typos):

If I sssay upside down is the right way round,
If I insssist that black is white,
If I claim that sssqueak is the sweetest sound,
Do you respect my right?
Say, do you ressspect my right?

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Re: ""Whites have become Black" Aug 14, 2011
I know a good poem Zonker! :bounce:

I do not need
A f***ing man
I’ll get one later
If I can.

I do not need
A man at all
I do not need one,
Short or tall.

Not in a house,
Not in a van,
I do not need
A F***ing man.

Not on the couch
Not in my bed
I’d rather sleep
Alone instead

I do not need
A f***ing man
I tried it once ~
He turned and ran

I do not need
One here or there
I do not need
One anywhere

I do not need
A f***ing man
There must be
A better plan

Not one at work
Not one at play
I do not need one
Night or day

I’ve said it once
I’ve said it twice
A world without them
Could be nice

Black men, white men,
Men in blue
I am through with
All of you

Even though they
Make me drool
I’m not a fan of
The dating pool

I would not could not
Be a fool
Even for the
Biggest tool

Now thanks to
My new vibrator
You f***ing man
I’ll see you later

I’ll try my hardest
Not to care
Even if he stands
There bare!!

I do not need
A f***ing man
That is where my
Plight began

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Re: ""Whites have become Black" Aug 14, 2011
For years now whites have been emulating black "culture". I never understood it, why whites, especially boys, shed their clothes and started dressing like blacks. This started with rap music and I think Eminem introduced it to whites. This "look" has spread all over the world, including the Middle East. There was a piece on Iraqi boys who are doing rap in Iraq and they are on to the "look". If nothing else, this "look" made clothing designers huge amounts of money.

Here's a poor skinny white boy who didn't have the "equipment" to keep his pants up:


How is this a good look?



Now if a white boy could look like this :drunken: :

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Re: ""Whites have become Black" Aug 14, 2011

There's also this 'oldy':

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Re: ""Whites have become Black" Aug 14, 2011
It's too bad the Asians can't play opposite day too. What are they opposite of?

But the best part of emulating black culture....is that you can always go back to being white. :wink:

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Re: ""Whites Have Become Black" Aug 14, 2011
BM, I translate from the poetry of one of the greatest poets of Urdu, Mirza Ghalib (18th Century):

"In every sentence you indicate that you think nothing of me,
Please you be the judge yourself is this a good form of conversation?"
A lot lost in translation there! Many apologies for that.
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Re: ""Whites Have Become Black" Aug 14, 2011
zonker wrote:BM, I translate from the poetry of one of the greatest poets of Urdu, Mirza Ghalib (18th Century):

"In every sentence you indicate that you think nothing of me,
Please you be the judge yourself is this a good form of conversation?"
A lot lost in translation there! Many apologies for that.

Zonker, I have no idea what you are on about. I thought this was the comedy channel :D
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Re: ""Whites Have Become Black" Aug 14, 2011
I qouted a poet BM, that wasn't about me!
And I am certain vibrators were not even invented at the time! :lol:
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Re: ""Whites Have Become Black" Aug 14, 2011
FFS BB ! Good thing I didn't catch this post earlier in the day, threw up and voided my fast ! :D
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Re: ""Whites Have Become Black" Aug 14, 2011
zonker wrote:I qouted a poet BM, that wasn't about me!
And I am certain vibrators were not even invented at the time! :lol:

Don't be fooled Zonker! Ladies will have been disappointed by men for many a year and resorted to what ever means available. That may not have been the magnificant diamante encrusted impliment that I was admiring yesterday, but we ladies are resilient!

-- Sun Aug 14, 2011 11:22 pm --

desertdudeshj wrote:FFS BB ! Good thing I didn't catch this post earlier in the day, threw up and voided my fast ! :D

Oh dear munchkin! Did you swallow a bit of sick? :? Now you will have to feed 96 people for 6 days! Or is it 6 people for 96 days? :drunken: Whatever init?
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Re: ""Whites Have Become Black" Aug 15, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:FFS BB ! Good thing I didn't catch this post earlier in the day, threw up and voided my fast ! :D

Not pretty. Not pretty at all!!! The crack-showing used to be called "plumbers pants" because that look came about when the plumber was bending over under the sink to fix the leak!!!
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Re: ""Whites Have Become Black" Aug 15, 2011
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Re: ""Whites Have Become Black" Aug 15, 2011
goddamniamsoawesome wrote:I'll have some prejudice with a whole lot of bigotry on the side please. Thank you!

Can I interest you in our special on the desert menu: A compote of racism and Islamophobia?
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Re: ""Whites Have Become Black" Aug 15, 2011
I'll have the KKK special if you please.
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Re: ""Whites Have Become Black" Aug 15, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:I'll have the KKK special if you please.

How would you like it? Crispy??
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Re: ""Whites Have Become Black" Aug 15, 2011
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Re: ""Whites Have Become Black" Aug 17, 2011
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Re: ""Whites Have Become Black" Aug 17, 2011
goddamniamsoawesome wrote:I've seen enough of that already mate. And then they say there are problems...

Bigots are scum. End of.

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Re: ""Whites Have Become Black" Aug 17, 2011
goddamniamsoawesome wrote:
Bora Bora wrote:
goddamniamsoawesome wrote:I'll have some prejudice with a whole lot of bigotry on the side please. Thank you!

Can I interest you in our special on the desert menu: A compote of racism and Islamophobia?

I've seen enough of that already mate. And then they say there are problems...

Bigots are scum. End of.

I hope you're including anti-whites and anti-semitics in that statement. The person above me denies the holocaust and his mate hates white people, even to the extent of avoiding comdemning a black youth kicking an old man to death!

Definition of a bigot.

1. bigot
One who is narrrowly or intolerantly devoted to his or her opinions and prejudices. This word is a general term that applies to everyone (racists, anti-Semites, misogynists, homophobes and xenophobes).
Just as whites can be bigots, so can blacks, browns and yellows.

2. Bigot
A bigot is a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from their own.

Person extremely intolerant of others and irrespective of reasoning

3. bigot
1) n. bigot: A bigot is someone who holds predefined negative views about a class of people. Examples include anti-semites, homophobics, racists, religious extremists of any religion.

Well I can name a few posters here, who fit that bill. :D
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Re: ""Whites Have Become Black" Aug 19, 2011
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Re: ""Whites Have Become Black" Aug 19, 2011
Don't take the resident white supremacist islamophobic EDL BNP supporting bigot's word for it though.
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Re: ""Whites have become Black" Aug 19, 2011
What is it with bigots and their 'whataboutery' arguments?

Wasn't BM's post just a big 'I may be a racist Islamophobe, but let me tell you my fantasy about another person who I fantasise is a bigger bigot than me!' :shock:

Why are the resident bigots ashamed of their bigotry?

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Re: ""Whites have become Black" Aug 19, 2011
^ Why don't you tell us about all those White friends you have?
event horizon
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Re: ""Whites Have Become Black" Aug 19, 2011
^Why do loons and bigots assume everyone else is a bigot too? Guilt, I guess. :roll:

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Re: ""Whites have become Black" Aug 19, 2011
Shaf , I don't know if you aware of it , but you seem to be a very frustrated person. Something not working?
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Re: ""Whites have become Black" Aug 19, 2011

Actually gertrude, I've noticed that it is those who are full of hate towards others (eg loons) who tend to lack a sense of humour and project their frustrations onto others. Are you missing something yourself? ;)

I find humour quite therapeutic - hence why I enjoy loonwatch.com.

But where is the frustration in my posts asking why bigots seem to project their bigotry on others? :?

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Re: ""Whites have become Black" Aug 19, 2011
shafique wrote::D

Actually gertrude, I've noticed that it is those who are full of hate towards others (eg loons) who tend to lack a sense of humour and project their frustrations onto others. Are you missing something yourself? ;)

I find humour quite therapeutic - hence why I enjoy loonwatch.com.

But where is the frustration in my posts asking why bigots seem to project their bigotry on others? :?


Time to man up sunshine and admit you're a bigot!

When WAS the last time you looked in the mirror?

1. bigot
One who is narrrowly or intolerantly devoted to his or her opinions and prejudices. This word is a general term that applies to everyone (racists, anti-Semites, misogynists, homophobes and xenophobes).
Just as whites can be bigots, so can blacks, browns and yellows.

2. Bigot
A bigot is a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from their own.
Person extremely intolerant of others and irrespective of reasoning

3. bigot
1) n. bigot: A bigot is someone who holds predefined negative views about a class of people. Examples include anti-semites, homophobics, racists, religious extremists of any religion.

If the cap fits, then wear it.
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Re: ""Whites Have Become Black" Aug 19, 2011
Methinks the lady doth protest too much.

Let me repeat the question:
shafique wrote:Why do loons and bigots assume everyone else is a bigot too? Guilt, I guess. :roll:

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