symmetric wrote:Com'on put the blame on Islam, please feel free to do so

Did I? I don't care.
the message board for Dubai English speaking community
symmetric wrote:Com'on put the blame on Islam, please feel free to do so
Red Chief wrote:shafique wrote: You can join a gym and be a member of that gym. But if you choose not to use the facilities and gorge on junk food, you'll just be a fat member of a gym. It's your choice whether to join the gym and your choice to use the equipment and facilities it provides (says the guy fasting!)
I'm not sure that it's a good analogy. Gorging on and wasting tonns of food after 7 PM is not healthy according to research of many dietitions. My experience confirms that if I eat after 6 PM heavy food I start freshing out.
shafique wrote:But I'm not sure what this has to do with the analogy - surely gorging on the wrong food and not using the equipment will not make you fit?
symmetric wrote:gertrude wrote:Looks like a lot here think you are the bigot Shaf, no matter what you say.
Keep it uP Shafique, you know better how to tame your loons
shafique wrote:^Sometimes believing that 'this time it is different' proves to be wrong - and the 'old' logic still applies.
Bora Bora wrote:Have to say, you are like Herve with a bone when it comes to BM.
desertdudeshj wrote:Bora Bora wrote:Have to say, you are like Herve with a bone when it comes to BM.
And you love shaf to bits don't ya ?
shafique wrote:God says "There is no compulsion in Religion" in the Quran - so, yes - you are free to choose to live your life like you want to. If you want to call yourself a Muslim - the strict definition is that you only need to declare that 'There is no god but God and Muhammad is His Messenger'.
Should you decide to then not follow the rules of Islam - that doesn't make you a non-Muslim, but rather a non-observant Muslim, or a Muslim who is sinning (i.e. going against the rules of Islam). Islam states that all people are fallible and require God's forgiveness - and all will be judged fairly, and face the consequences of their actions.
You can join a gym and be a member of that gym. But if you choose not to use the facilities and gorge on junk food, you'll just be a fat member of a gym. It's your choice whether to join the gym and your choice to use the equipment and facilities it provides (says the guy fasting!)
But, back to the thread's topic - interesting how it is now about what people think of other posters and whether those posting racist posts are justified in pointing the fingers at others.
shafique wrote:I understand that some people think the world is flat and that the moon landings were faked.
However, that doesn't mean that all who choose to believe in Islam are giving up reason and logic. My personal belief is that any religion that asks you to put reason and logic to one side is one that SHOULD be rejected, as if there is a God, He/She/It would have created logic and would not want one to discard it.
That's my take on things.
It is up to people to set up their own tests for a way of life/rules/etc that calls itself religion.
So, what do I want in a religion..? For me the answers include:
1. Something logical
2. Something that promises a clear goal
3. Something that makes a clear difference
4. Something that I can test and meets my needs.
Until I find a better set of rules that are more logical, I'm a Muslim.
What do you want in a religion?
Koran 113:1;4
Say: 'I take refuge with the Lord of the Daybreak
from the evil of the women who blow on knots,
capsicum wrote:This one is no superstition, it' s straight from the "book"
"Now let man but think from what he is created! He is created from a drop emitted-Proceeding from between the backbone and the ribs," (Qur'an 86:5-7).
Guys did you know that mosleems beleive $perm come from the chest![]()
shafique wrote:Caps (not that you'll bother read it), but your misunderstanding has already been addressed:
Blessed is the one who grabs your babies and smashes them against a rock.
shafique wrote:Really caps - it isn't really that hard. Just click on the link, read through the explanations and then try and understand what is written.