[desertdudeshj"]We have outspoken racist and bigots like BM and Herve here and yet no one even squeaks against the racist and phobic shyte these two spew and here we are on a salem witch hunt, hillarious !

BM is not a bigot. As for Herve, I guess his bigotry is a result of his own hatred which came as a result of his own doing.
BB how bout your call friend a spade a spade first ( personally I wouldn't want to be anywhere within 100 yards of someone so racist and bigoted as windbag, only gods know how you stand her ! ) and then we'll come to see wheter shaf is a bigot ot not.
Lets look at the big bold writing on the wall first before we start analayzing the fine print, eh ?

Dude, I guess you have tunnel vision and in need of glasses because obviously you can't read the fine print.
I don't object nor support BM and her opinions. On the other hand you support Shaf and your silence on Shaf's position on many things can say alot about you. If you had to distinguish between the two I would say BM is the racist and Shaf is the bigot. Personally I think one can exchange views with a racist much more easier than a bigot who has a closed mind and is set in their beliefs and tries to convince and impose those beliefs on others. If you haven't noticed, you are the only person who appears to support Shaf while others share the same opinion of him.
BM posted 3 definitions of bigotry:
Definition of a bigot.
1. bigot
One who is narrrowly or intolerantly devoted to his or her opinions and prejudices. This word is a general term that applies to everyone (racists, anti-Semites, misogynists, homophobes and xenophobes).
Just as whites can be bigots, so can blacks, browns and yellows.
2. Bigot
A bigot is a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from their own.
Person extremely intolerant of others and irrespective of reasoning
3. bigot
1) n. bigot: A bigot is someone who holds predefined negative views about a class of people. Examples include anti-semites, homophobics, racists, religious extremists of any religion.
No 2 is pretty plain and simple and in my opinion, defines Shaf.
I think you need to understand the difference. Shaf wants to forcefeed his beliefs and reasoning down other peoples throats, whereas BM voices her personal opinion on races and religion.
I know BM and she has a wicked sense of humor and loves to wind people up - especially people who fall for it over and over and over.

She has friends from the very races and religions she takes shots at.

(Pakistanis, Muslims and Arabs) When we get together we have never talked about race and religion, but should the subjects come up, I'm sure opposite views would be exchanged without pushing our own opinions down the other persons throat.
If someone never uttered a derogatory remark against a race, a religion, a nationality, a lifestyle then they are one of a very few. That would also include "thinking" something that was derogatory. Even the slightest negative remark, either full blown are a hint, can be deemed racist.
I learned that referring to a person by their nationality or religion is very common in Dubai, something not done back in the States. I have also learned that when one makes a negative comment and it refers to "Indians", "Americans/Yanks", "Brits", "Egyptians", "Arabs", "Pakistanis", "locals", people are not making a blanket statement and referring to ALL. You have made negative comments about "locals", but I'm sure you weren't referring to ALL locals as you have good local friends.
Now, I have other things to worry about, such as America's national food - hamburgers and fries - may be replaced with "taco kabobs". Why is that? Well Obama wants to by pass laws and Congress and give citizenship to millions of illegals, as long as they don't have a police record or are deemed a threat to America. The majority of those millions are Mexicans, Columbians and Arabs. I don't have anything against any of them, they just happen to be the majority who broke the law and entered or stayed in the US illegally. The same way that England's national food, which was always fish and chips, has been replaced by curry. That's just the way it is.