""Whites Have Become Black"

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Re: ""Whites Have Become Black" Aug 31, 2011
No smoke, no mirrors. Your belief that the parable is literal is the one that needs to be justified - just like you need to justify the bashing of babies, talking donkeys and talking ants.

The verses are clearly a parable - unless you really think that Moses and Khidr scuppered a ship, mended a wall, murdered a child etc all in one journey. But then again, you DO believe in talking donkeys.. so I guess you are just desperate to foister your beliefs on others.

The parable is a parable. Simple.

Don't you believe this story by Jesus to be a parable:
Jesus answered, "A certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers, who both stripped him and beat him, and departed, leaving him half dead. By chance a certain priest was going down that way. When he saw him, he passed by on the other side. In the same way a Levite also, when he came to the place, and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a certain Samaritan, as he traveled, came where he was. When he saw him, he was moved with compassion, came to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. He set him on his own animal, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. On the next day, when he departed, he took out two denarii, and gave them to the host, and said to him, 'Take care of him. Whatever you spend beyond that, I will repay you when I return.' Now which of these three do you think seemed to be a neighbour to him who fell among the robbers?"

He said, "He who showed mercy on him."

Then Jesus said to him, "Go and do likewise."

Isn't the above clearly a parable (and a famous one to boot?).

How stupid would I be if I insisted it wasn't a parable but was literal? Probably as someone insisting that the parable of Moses and Khidr is literally true - or believing in talking donkeys!

Clear now?


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Re: ""Whites have become Black" Aug 31, 2011
The killing of children by Muslims is not a parable, isn' t it called honor killing?
http://www.iris.org.il/blog/archives/22 ... alive.html
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Re: ""Whites Have Become Black" Aug 31, 2011
Killing of children by Christians is not a parable either - but why state the obvious? Brievik was a Christian and as much as a criminal as any Muslim who commits murder, for example. Baruch Goldstein was a Jewish American doctor who killed worshippers in cold blood BECAUSE of his religious views.

But perhaps you're thinking of eh's justification for the killing of children and enslavement of virgins.. the contrast is that I don't condone any of these crimes.

But what has that all got to do with the parable of Moses and Khidr in the Quran or the Biblical verse which says bashing the heads of babies on rocks is a blessed act? :?

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Re: ""Whites have become Black" Aug 31, 2011
Shaf, honor killings by Muslims are real, they happen today. Your bible stuff is a 2,000 years old myth.
What Christian kills his own children? any links? Brievik has no children, you must be confused with somebody else
How about Muslims forcing their children to be suicide bomber
http://news.yahoo.com/karzai-denounces- ... 42734.html
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Re: ""Whites have become Black" Aug 31, 2011
The verses are clearly a parable - unless you really think that Moses and Khidr scuppered a ship, mended a wall, murdered a child etc all in one journey. But then again, you DO believe in talking donkeys.. so I guess you are just desperate to foister your beliefs on others.

What does the clear Koran say? Does it say the passage is a parable?
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Re: ""Whites Have Become Black" Aug 31, 2011
What Christian kills his own children? any links

Here's an honour killing by a Christian family (killed their Christian daughter):
http://secularoutpost.infidels.org/2010 ... lling.html

Here's another one of Christians killing their sister (and her husband and child):
http://www.loonwatch.com/2011/04/three- ... g-to-islam

And another:

Honour killings by Sikhs and Hindus are real too - as are other crimes carried out by Muslim/Sikhs/Hindus/Christians. Crimes committed by Muslims, Christians or Jews aren't a reflection on Islam, Christianity or Judaism - even if the criminals think they are justified in their crimes.

The Bible stuff is indeed 2000 years old - but eh believes in it, including the talking donkeys.

He's trying to get me to believe in talking ants and that it is ok to kill children. So far he's failed.

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Re: ""Whites have become Black" Aug 31, 2011
event horizon wrote:
The verses are clearly a parable - unless you really think that Moses and Khidr scuppered a ship, mended a wall, murdered a child etc all in one journey. But then again, you DO believe in talking donkeys.. so I guess you are just desperate to foister your beliefs on others.

What does the clear Koran say? Does it say the passage is a parable?

Blaming me won't help clear up what the clear Koran says - it just shows you can't explain the passage in a non-literal interpretation.
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Re: ""Whites Have Become Black" Sep 01, 2011
gertrude - are you happy with the references?

eh - hey, if you want to believe in talking donkeys, talking ants, the sun stopping in the sky etc as literally true, then I guess it is no surprise you wish to believe the parable of Moses and Kidr to be literally true. I have explained why it is a parable - EXACTLY the same reason why the story of the good Samaritan in Luke is obviously a parable. Do you believe the Good Samaritan story is a parable? If so, why? Same reason for the parable in the Quran.

What is curious is why you are insisting rational Muslims follow your irrational belief?

Is it because you can't explain away your extremist views about killing children based on Biblical verses?

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Re: ""Whites have become Black" Sep 01, 2011
EXACTLY the same reason why the story of the good Samaritan in Luke is obviously a parable.

There's no comparison. One's told as a historical event and the other is clearly presented as the story it is.
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Re: ""Whites Have Become Black" Sep 01, 2011
LOL - still in denial eh. Where does Luke quote Jesus saying it is a parable (he doesn't, but it is clearly a parable - just like the Quranic account of Moses and Khidr)?

Let me repeat:
What is curious is why you are insisting rational Muslims follow your irrational belief?

Is it because you can't explain away your extremist views about killing children based on Biblical verses?

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Re: ""Whites have become Black" Sep 01, 2011
Yeah, except it's not told as a fable but of a historical event.

You may wish to believe the story is a parable, but the proof is in the pudding is in the eating. Do Muslim commentaries treat the story as fictional?

Let's see the evidence.
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Re: ""Whites Have Become Black" Sep 01, 2011
It is interesting how you insist your irrational beliefs are facts. I understand your frustration - you believe in talking donkeys and the sun stopping in the sky, I don't. You want to believe the parable of Moses and Khidr is a historic fact, but it is clearly a parable in the same way the Good Samaritan is a parable.

I asked a simple question - where does Luke say that the parable of the Good Samaritan is a parable and not a historical fact?

It starts as such:
Jesus answered "A certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho..

How is this different from the parable of Moses and Khidr?

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Re: ""Whites have become Black" Sep 01, 2011
Shaf, are you being paid to post here, you sound like propaganda.
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Re: ""Whites Have Become Black" Sep 01, 2011
What's the matter gertrude - embarrassed that I provided examples and links of Christian honour killings? You asked the question, I answered. ;)

Facts only sound like propaganda to those who insist on believing things that aren't true or who have irrational beliefs (such as the talking donkey belief of young eh). :D

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Re: ""Whites Have Become Black" Sep 01, 2011
shafique wrote:Facts only sound like propaganda to those who insist on believing things that aren't true or who have irrational beliefs

This is seriously stuff that you would expect to find on toilet paper in a mental institute. :D
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Re: ""Whites Have Become Black" Sep 01, 2011
:D Now, what is it I usually say about loons and facts? :D

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Re: ""Whites Have Become Black" Sep 01, 2011
shafique wrote::D Now, what is it I usually say about loons and facts? :D


You are going to quote yourself again? Showing your inapt sense of grandiosity again.
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Re: ""Whites Have Become Black" Sep 01, 2011
:D Thanks for proving my point.

I do sometimes enjoy your leaps of fancy. However, for sheer imagination, you can't beat eh's beliefs of talking donkeys! :D

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Re: ""Whites Have Become Black" Sep 01, 2011
shafique wrote::D Thanks for proving my point.

Talking in riddles again, passive aggresive one. Its what children usually do.
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Re: ""Whites Have Become Black" Sep 01, 2011
:D More ad hominem attacks! :Roll:

That's what +I+ call passive aggressive. :wink:

I'll stick to facts - and if that continues to annoy you, so be it.

Now, where is your 'talking donkey - believing' chum?

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Re: ""Whites Have Become Black" Sep 01, 2011
shafique wrote::D More ad hominem attacks! :Roll:

That's what +I+ call passive aggressive. :wink:

I'll stick to facts - and if that continues to annoy you, so be it.

Now, where is your 'talking donkey - believing' chum?


Reminds me of the Daleks in the blah blah above.

Try and string two words together correctly girl.
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Re: ""Whites have become Black" Sep 01, 2011
Well, we're now on to Dr Who references! :roll:


Whatever next - Shrek? (Sorry, already been done) :D

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Re: ""Whites have become Black" Sep 01, 2011
@ shaf . Not embarrased at all, no reason to :) yet surprised by your way of making it sound as if there are as many honor killings by Muslims than by Christians, nice try, we all know that Muslims honor killings outnumber to an overwhelming extent honor killings by Christians.
you recite more than you post, the same things over and over, (talking donkeys), and almost 24h, it is propaganda , I tend to beleive you are a paid poster, and you should admit it for honesty.
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Re: ""Whites Have Become Black" Sep 01, 2011
Well, it appeared that you asked about Christian's killing their kids as if you expected there were none and that it is Muslims who are killing their children.

The fact that it is not a religously based crime is easy to see when you realise that Christians, Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims all carry out the crime.

I'm slightly amused at your latest conspiracy theory that I'm paid to expose eh's follies! :D

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Re: ""Whites have become Black" Sep 01, 2011
Just to be sure, the Parable of the Good Samaritan is titled the Parable of the Good Samaritan in the Bible.

The Parable of the Good Samaritan
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Re: ""Whites Have Become Black" Sep 01, 2011

If I look up Luke 10 in my King James Bible - it does not contain the word Parable.
http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?se ... ersion=KJV

Other translations label the verses 25 onwards as the Parable of the Good Samaritan - but this isn't actually in the text.

Ergo, my question still stands. How is this parable different from that of Moses and Khidr in the Quran?

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