I was born in Durham in the UK. My dad joined the RAF when I was four years old and we moved around from then. I remember the day I started school, as if it was yesterday. We lived in Norfolk, in the middle of nowhere. My dad didn't have a car. On the day I started school, I was put on a bus, I had no idea where I was going or what to expect when I got there. I'm sure this experience, along with others, has made me the person I am, as I am fearless. When I look at the kids in the UK now, they are mollycoddled beyond belief. Parents take them to school on the first day and stay with them. The kids only go 3 days a week, half day, and if they are tired (poor darlings) they get to come home early.
We have become a Nation of wimps.
I have two people on my team at work who suffer from stress. One man (loose term) unmarried 40 year old who can't cope with working 30 hours a week and Hannah (I've mentioned her before) who hasn't been since she made a major c.o.ck up at work. Instead of making a re appearance and admitting to her mistakes she has visited the doctor for a repeat prescription of Prozac.
From Norfolk, we were posted to Singapore and from they we lived in WIltshire. My dad then went to work in Sharjah and the family returned to the north-east of England. When my dad returned we all moved to London, and after I left school I worked for the United States Air Force in London. I came in contact (much to the horror of my mother) with a lot of Jews from NY who worked for the AF. BM loved those men, they were the business!
I met my English husband when I was 17 and when we were married we moved to Germany, Northern Ireland, then Cyprus, then Germany, back to England, then back to Germany. Whilst I was stuck whereever my husband was posted to Canada (lucky bugger) and Australia (lucky bugger).
Since I got shot of that loser I have lived in Cumbria in the north of England for the last 16 years. I don't feel that this is my home, oddly enough. I still feel like an ousider here. I have lots of friends at work. They seem to speak a foreign language sometimes. The Cumbrians are a strange breed.
I have had my place in Dubai since 2007. When I land at DXB it feels as if I'm home! How odd is that? I love this place. My heart lifts when I use my e-gate! On the return journey my mood changes when I hit LHR and when I eventually land at MAN I feel like cutting my wrists! Why is that?
Where are you from? Where do you consider your home town is? I don't appear to have one, although I love my England.