Brooklyn, New York will always be my home town. I lived in an area called Bay Ridge. The Verrazano Bridge on the Brooklyn side is in Bay Ridge. My parents divorced when I was very young and mom returned to the family house. Mom was the oldest of 10, 3 brothers and 9 sisters. The family house was two stories and a basement apartment. When she went back most of them had already left home but I remember there were still quite a few of them there. I have an aunt that is 3 months younger than myself. Mom and Grandmother were pregnant at the same time.
I loved that house. It was situated on a street which was only 4 blocks long that was tucked away between two "avenue" blocks. We had a nice size backyard and a front yard. When I saw this post I started thinking about it. I remember caterpillers dropping from the trees. I also remember when they morphed into butterflies and it got me to thinking how we don't see them anymore. There were always rainbows, which I haven't seem in ages. Acorn shells from the squirrels on the ground. A flower, called a pansy, could be found in the gardens and near the base of trees.
We always felt safe. Had no locks on the doors until my grandfather had passed away and our neighbor, Johnny Spatz, came through the house at night and robbed my grandmother's purse. After that we had locks on the front and back doors. I remember how every Friday my mother, sisters with their husbands and my grandmother gathered around the table and played poker. There were times when they didn't play for hours, but played for days!!!! Sometimes it didn't end until late Sunday night.
My elementary school was right across the street with a huge schoolyard that all the kids would play in. I was pretty much a tomboy and would play baseball, basketball and whatever other games the boys played. Those were the times when the neighbors could give you a rap off the back of the head if they caught you doing something wrong. We always had eyes on us!!!!
Mom moved out to another area in Brooklyn, but when she remarried we ended up living one block away from the family house. From there I finished high school and a couple of years later got married. I lived two blocks away from mom!!! We always lived close to the family house. Although my ethnicity is a mix, but my grandmother was predominately Irish. Funny thing about the Irish, they are either very close family or act like they have no family at all. Once leaving the family home you pretty much left the family behind except for holidays, weddings and funerals. Eventually we stopped getting together for holidays and then weddings and lastly funerals. Years later when I went to those funerals it was like going to pay my respects to strangers. I came from a large family, yet I had none. Actually, it was probably for the better. My aunts were a bunch of uneducated biddies and their offspring were just plain uneducated.
After I divorced I still lived in different parts of Brooklyn. It was home to me and always will be, although hubby and I plan to buy a house, but not in Brooklyn!! or New York. Dubai is just a very very long temporary home. I never felt settled in Dubai and can't find a comfort zone here probably because I miss all the things I am familiar with back in the States. When I go back to the States every year I make it a point to go back to my old neighborhood, Bay Ridge, but I would never consider living there. They probably call it "Little Cairo" now.

By the way, I didn't meet my husband there!!! On the whole, anywhere in the United States can be home to me.