Sep 20, 2006
I just realised i completely strayed from the point there, haha,
im not to good at these posts,
All this hard headedness stuff and arrogance is all fair play, it may or may not be what you think it is, my advice is be understanding, for example, you are a manager, you have a local guy working for you, and your company is in the uae, the local guy might not like being told to do something,
now, take the same arab guy, he is now your boss, your working for him, and your in your home country, your not gona like being told what to do by him either?
i lost my point again, but it opens ur eyes a bit, you just got to remember, this is their country, and it is starting to be over run by expacts, if i was an arab here i wouldnt be to happy either,
Im from New Zealand, and it is currently being over run by asian people (no offence to any one who might be one of them) when i was in new zealand, i hated asians, everywhere i went, they were there, it was like i was in asia, i honestly would not liked it at all if i got a job and one of them were my manager, i would refuse to do the work aswell, unless they showed me the same respect they would show their manager.
i hope someone saw a point there.
- Adam
- Dubai Forum User

- Posts: 19
- Location: Abu Dhabi