Mine is Turkish coffee with brownie cheese cake!

the message board for Dubai English speaking community
Dubai Knight wrote:I like my coffee like I like my women...
In big cups and hot on my tongue!
(Cheers Flasheart!)
sage & onion wrote:Jamaican Blue Mountain, the absolute best.
Bora Bora wrote:sage & onion wrote:Jamaican Blue Mountain, the absolute best.
Totally agree with you. Where are you getting it from? I love my cawfee.
arniegang wrote:
another Lord Flasheart classic
"is that a Canoe in your pocket or are you pleased to see me"
see here for a giggle DK
sage & onion wrote:Bora Bora wrote:sage & onion wrote:Jamaican Blue Mountain, the absolute best.
Totally agree with you. Where are you getting it from? I love my cawfee.
I don't know if you can get it here although I need to find out. I got mine from Jamaica couple of years ago whilst visiting.
Dillon wrote:Kopi Luwak is the Worlds most expensive coffee, but it tastes like shit.
Dubai Knight wrote:Dillon wrote:Kopi Luwak is the Worlds most expensive coffee, but it tastes like tasty.
I have a small packet of that sitting on my desk!
The beans have to be 'passed' by the local civet before they can be 'harvested' and then roasted. Sounds like a tasty job to me! Not plucked up the courage to try it yet!
I have seen Jamaican Blue Mountain grounds in Waitrose...take out a mortgage to buy it though!
Personally, I mix Danessi and Tchibo caffe crema beans and grind them fresh. Its quite drinkable and reasonably priced.