DDS, I'm well aware that Muslim women around the world can wear other colours besides black. I've seen Muslims in the Middle East, Europe, Asia and North America.
And you are wrong that some Western countries don't have laws about covering faces in a crowd. Just because Canada doesn't have one yet doesn't mean it won't. I would fully support a ban on face coverings in crowds, because the trend has been seen that the ones wearing the face masks in protesting crowds tend to be the ones who become violent and destroy property and loot shops.
Shaf posted a quote from a veiled woman who says it liberates her from men se.xualising her femininity. Is she lying DDS? We've already had discussions on this forum when Muslim men have concluded that men can't control themselves and if women show too much skin they are at risk of being raped for putting all of their body on display. As Mona Eltahawy pointed out, if women are raised from childhood to think that god will punish them for not covering up, do you think it feels like much of a choice to them? It doesn't seem to matter that the Quran doesn't say that women must wear the veil.
Nucleus, bearded men wearing caps can still be handsome. I found quite a few men wearing dishdashas good looking (though short

), even if I couldn't see the exact shape of all their body parts underneath. None of those forms of dress for men can compare to a woman being draped in a sheet (be it black, grey, blue etc.) with her eyes peeking out. As I mentioned before, I can't even tell you how many times I've seen women completely covered while their husband is wearing shorts, t-shirt and baseball cap. It is a glaring indication of a double standard about how men and women's bodies are viewed.
Shamoosa seems to be deciding about wearing the veil. Her main motivation is for sun protection outside, but she prefers to not wear the veil indoors. No mention of men or religion. Interesting! The funny thing is that other Muslim men and women will be looking at her and admiring her committment to god, her piety, and the honour she brings to her husband, father, and family by covering to the pinnacle of covering.