What A Way To Travel!!!!

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What a Way to Travel!!!! Oct 31, 2010
Don't tell me it doesn't get to their head.

Wow...Coming thru the neighborhood!!!

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Tom Jones
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Re: What A Way To Travel!!!! Oct 31, 2010
Just a tad OTT don't you think?? I wonder what it cost the city of Seattle to sponsor that run. Could have probably got the Hell's Angels to do the cycle thingy for half the price. :lol:
Bora Bora
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Re: What a Way to Travel!!!! Oct 31, 2010
Forty planes and six armoured cars: Obama visit to India the 'biggest ever by a US President'

Forty planes and six armoured cars: Obama visit to India the 'biggest ever by a US President'
Flying Dutchman
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Re: What A Way To Travel!!!! Oct 31, 2010
The most impressive motorcade I've ever seen was of the late great Sheikh Zayed when he came to attene the IMF conference in 2003. I was working for the event and had access to the IMF only lanes entering the trade center complex and followed it in from SZR and honestly BO's motorcade pales in comparison to that one.

But the best I think is Shk Mohammeds motorcade, Him driving solo in his own car. No matter what ones says about UAE but you have to give it due credit. How many places can a vice president drive and walk around among common folk totally relaxed just like an ordinary person.
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Re: What a Way to Travel!!!! Oct 31, 2010
Flying Dutchman wrote:Forty planes and six armoured cars: Obama visit to India the 'biggest ever by a US President'

Forty planes and six armoured cars: Obama visit to India the 'biggest ever by a US President'

It's a Democrat thing I would say. During my younger days I recall admiring Bill Clinton's cavalcade in different countries and it sure left an indelible impression in my mind.
Those were the good ol days when throngs would line up on roads to have a glimpse. Off-course now they just cordon off entire roads.

Either way the president of the most powerful country in the world should travel like one. But I dnt think such show's of strength would impress the Indian public. They are more interested in the substance behind the visit. Right from the teleprompter request in parliament to this ostentatious display I think BO is already of to a bad start.

Indian trips though are normally so full of excitement with presidents doing all the unusual stuff from debating college students, visiting the country side, with the first ladies carrying out their own separate programs. Both the Bush's left behind a very favorable image, can't wait to see the Obama's lay on the charm now.
Misery Called Life
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Re: What A Way To Travel!!!! Nov 01, 2010
Bora Bora wrote:Just a tad OTT don't you think?? I wonder what it cost the city of Seattle to sponsor that run. Could have probably got the Hell's Angels to do the cycle thingy for half the price. :lol:

I doubt that Obama's visit would cost Seattle too much money. Most of the cops on the beat (bikes or cruisers) are on duty anyway. They don't get paid extra for escorting the President.

All the other motorcade cars, including ambulances, belong to the Secret Service. All these cars, including the two presidential limousines (both the decoy and the official one) are flown in by military planes ahead of all Presidential visits.

Of course, these Presidential travels cost every American taxpayer quite a chunk of change. .

The Hells Angels?? Well...I wouldn't even hire them to protect my car. They're stoned out of their mind half of the time!!!!!! :lol: :lol:

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Tom Jones
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Re: What A Way To Travel!!!! Nov 01, 2010
I guess you never met an Angel. :) Tom, they would have to call the entire force out to cover the city, which means overtime for many. As for the 1 ambulance and 1 or 2 of everything else, well they were probably "on duty", just reassigned.
Bora Bora
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Re: What A Way To Travel!!!! Nov 01, 2010
Tom Jones wrote:The Hells Angels?? Well...I wouldn't even hire them to protect my car. They're stoned out of their mind half of the time!!!!!! :lol: :lol:
8) 8)

I read yesterday that the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club has sued British fashion design house Alexander McQueen for breach of copyright for unauthorised use of the winged skull emblem, which they registered back in the 1960's.

Back in my youth, I dealt with the UK branch of the Hells Angels and, despite their often scary appearance and oft considerable girth, they were the nicest bunch of thugs you could ever want to meet. They kept the peace at many bike events I was involved with and I would hire them to protect me anytime!

I also know of a Harley club in the UK who bought a beautiful country pub from the brewery after the landlord threw them out for being 'greasy, noisy bikers'. They turned up the next day and evicted the landlord for being a 'boring, mousey publican'! The majority of the club were also lawyers, accountants, wealthy business owners and entrepreneurs! They still own the pub to this day and it is a mecca for bikers.

Don't let appearances deceive you, just because a person choses to wear black leather, sport tattoos and bizarre facial hair and NOT be a member of the Village People, doesn't mean they are a fool.

Not so dumb after all?

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Dubai Knight
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Re: What a Way to Travel!!!! Nov 01, 2010
That is BLOOODY RUBBISH honestly, you happen to be the worlds most powerful man on earth and you dont even have Mr Softees Ice Creame Van in your motorcade!! :mrgreen:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Puk1VZN ... re=related
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Re: What A Way To Travel!!!! Nov 02, 2010
Dubai Knight wrote:
Tom Jones wrote:The Hells Angels?? Well...I wouldn't even hire them to protect my car. They're stoned out of their mind half of the time!!!!!! :lol: :lol:
8) 8)

I read yesterday that the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club has sued British fashion design house Alexander McQueen for breach of copyright for unauthorised use of the winged skull emblem, which they registered back in the 1960's.

Back in my youth, I dealt with the UK branch of the Hells Angels and, despite their often scary appearance and oft considerable girth, they were the nicest bunch of thugs you could ever want to meet. They kept the peace at many bike events I was involved with and I would hire them to protect me anytime!

I also know of a Harley club in the UK who bought a beautiful country pub from the brewery after the landlord threw them out for being 'greasy, noisy bikers'. They turned up the next day and evicted the landlord for being a 'boring, mousey publican'! The majority of the club were also lawyers, accountants, wealthy business owners and entrepreneurs! They still own the pub to this day and it is a mecca for bikers.

Don't let appearances deceive you, just because a person choses to wear black leather, sport tattoos and bizarre facial hair and NOT be a member of the Village People, doesn't mean they are a fool.

Not so dumb after all?

8) 8) 8)


I wouldn’t mind hiring them it they all looked like her, and had bikes like hers!!!


:D :D

-- Tue Nov 02, 2010 11:04 am --

Bora Bora wrote:I guess you never met an Angel. :) Tom, they would have to call the entire force out to cover the city, which means overtime for many. As for the 1 ambulance and 1 or 2 of everything else, well they were probably "on duty", just reassigned.


I think you forgot about the cost of transporting all these vehicles by military planes and putting up the Pres, Secret Service and all the supporting staff in fancy hotels. Not to mention the cost of flying two US AirForce 1 jumbos (the decoy and the official one)..etc.

Believe me, the cost to the taxpayer is staggering!!

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